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Reader's POV

I was laying in bed. My back hurt so fucking bad. I could barely move.

As I was laying there, I could feel a weird sensation running though me. What happened to me?

All of a sudden, an intense obsession came over me. Lucas, Lucas, Lucas, Lucas...his name kept going through my head. I needed Lucas to be right next to me.

"LUCAS!" I screamed. I got up and ran to the door. He had the door locked for my own protection. I started pounding on the door until my hands were all bloodied. What was happening to me?

Lucas finally opened the door and before he could even get a word out, I jumped on him and attacked him with kisses.

"Oh Lucas! I love you so much," I said.

"I love you too," he said back, kissing me back.

"Where. Were. You?" I asked demandingly.

"I was taking care of that pig that shot you," he said.

"I MISSED YOU!" I screamed.

I slapped myself in the face and looked at him. "What's hap-happening to me?" I asked before grabbing him and kissing him.

"Eveline, goddammit," Lucas said quietly.

"What about Eveline?" I asked in between kisses. I was grinding my body up against his.

"She gave you a gift," he said. "She healed your gunshot."

"But, now she's in control of me like she is with your mom and dad?" I asked.

"Yes," he said.

"I have an overwhelming obsession with you," I said. "I know that doesn't sound bad, but when you weren't in the room, I would have done everything to be with you. I even broke my hands trying to get out just so I could be with you."

He smirked, "well then I guess we are gonna have to stay together every moment."

"We'll have so much time together. We could do a lot in that time," I said in a sexy, alluring tone.

The mood quickly got changed when I remembered why I was in this mess.

"Where is the cop?" I asked.

"He's strapped down in the room next to that wom-," he tried to finish saying before I shouted ,"DON'T TALK ABOUT HER!"

"Okay," he said. "Would you like me to take you to the cop?"

We walked, hand-in-hand, to the room with the cop.

I kicked open the door and walked in.

He was still alive. I pulled my hand out of Lucas' and walked over to the cop. I looked down at him and he looked back with fear. I knew what was running through his head. 'She should be dead."

"Why did you shoot me?" I asked. "It fucking hurt."

He started shaking his head. I slammed my hand down on his chest, taking his breath away for a few minutes. "Now you're gonna fucking hurt."

I walked around the table and grabbed a hand saw. The blade was dull, but that would only make it hurt worse. I walked back to the table and held the saw above his face. His eyes got very wide and I smiled.

I traced a line on his leg with my finger. "I think I'll cut here," I said.

He was shaking his head, silently pleading with me not to cut. I let out a small giggle before I placed the saw on his leg, pushed, and cut. I was halfway through his leg when I stopped.

"Maybe I'll stay right here...eh, I don't think so," I debated.

I continued cutting. His screams of pain and agony were like music to my ears. The blood pouring on the ground was like a beautiful painting of crimson red. When I finally cut through and his leg hit the ground, I had never felt more alive.

Lucas came up behind me and put his arm around me and said, "that was so fuckin' hot baby."

I smiled and kissed him.

I looked back at the cop and saw that he had passed out.

"Aw, I wasn't done having fun," I whined, but turned toward Lucas. "Oh well, now I have more time with you, baby."

Stockholm Syndrome (Twisted Lucas Baker Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now