The First Call

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"Time to call our boy Ethan!" Lucas said enthusiastically. "I can't wait for him to find our little surprise!"

"Yeah," I said. "Um...Lucas..."

"Yes?" He asked.

"Your sister said Ethan is getting ingredients for some kind of serum? That they were gonna escape. She wanted me to help them and me escape," I explained. "I said no and walked out."

"Do you want to escape?" He asked.

"No! Of course not!" I shouted. "I'm happy here."

"Good," he said. "I don't know what I'd do without you!"

"Same," I said. "Thinking about not having you is making my heart hurt."

"Awe baby," he said.

We reached the testing area and he got on his computer. He could see Ethan in the trailer, so Lucas decided to give him a call.

I could hear Ethan talking on the other end. He thought he was talking to Zoe.

Lucas cut Ethan off with, "hey, buddy! I thought you should know, I decided Zoe needed a time out. She and Mia are here with me. They're keeping each other company."

I heard Ethan yell through the phone, but I couldn't make out what he was saying.

"Na, ah, ah! That's family business, Ethan, and it is not your concern, understand?" Lucas explained before he cleared his throat.

"Now, if you want the head, feel free to come on by anytime. I'll give it to ya!" He smirked and winked at me. "But, only if you participate in a little.... activity I've put together--just for you."

Ethan yelled again and I could tell Lucas was getting excited.

"Oh, I know your excited, but don't worry. It's not going anywhere," he exhaled. "First step I need you to take," he started chuckling. "Partner," more chuckling. "Is for you to take a peek inside the fridge in the trailer there."

I heard Ethan yell, "Fuck you!"

"Oh come on now, don't be like that. You wanna have some fun, don't ya?" He asked. "Now, look in the fridge!" He shouted that last part aggressively before he hung up.

I apologize for how short this is and how long it's been since I updated. I'll be updating very soon. I promise!!

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