Happy Birthday

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"So what are you working on?" I asked.

"It's sort of a puzzle," he said. "I call it the Happy Birthday puzzle."

"A puzzle?" I asked.

"Yeah," he said. "I wanted to see if you could solve it. I don't want it to be too easy or difficult."

"What is it for?" I asked.

"It's for later," he said.

"Okay," I agreed.

"Aright baby, stand by the door," he said. I stood by the door and he closed it. He put a blindfold on my face and walked away. He came back after a few minutes, but before he took the blindfold off, I felt his lips on mine. Then he pulled off the blindfold.

He said, "you ready?"

"Yeah," I said.

"The objective is to put the lit candle on the birthday cake," he said. "Go."

I looked around. It was pitch black in the rooms, except for a candle. I grabbed the candle out of what looked like a clown's hand. Ew. I hated clowns.

After I grabbed the candle, and I looked around the room. There was a little bathroom connected and there was something in the toilet. I flushed the toilet and grabbed a telescope.

Wondering what good that would do for me, I walked into the next room with the stove. I looked at the adjoined room with the cake. I tried walking in and water sprayed me and put out my candle. It also cleaned off the telescope. When I walked into the room, the lights came on. I looked around the room to see if there was anything useful.

I twisted a knob out of the wooden barrel. It looked like the winding key for the clown dummy. I turned to my right and saw a box on the wall. I tried to open it, but I didn't have the combination. I left the room and once again got squirted with water.

I explored the other half of the room and saw a pipe leaking gas. I looked around the pipe, but didn't see anything useful. I continued into the next room.

I had no idea what the monitors were for. The images on them meant nothing to me. I moved on and saw a rope holding the door shut.

I went into the kitchen area and turned the stove on. I lit my candle and went back to the rope. I burnt the rope off and opened the door. Balloons filled the hall. I walked to the other end and found a door with another combination lock.

I turned around to head back when I saw a deflated yellow balloon on the floor. I grabbed it and headed back to the gas pipe. I put the balloon on the pipe and it filled with gas until it exploded. A quill pen fell out. I grabbed the pen.

I returned my attention to the monitors. I stared at them for a few minutes. Finally, I decided to grab the telescope and looked through it at them. I saw some strange images through it on the monitors. One looked like a person with a sword, another looked like a bell with a bird on it, and the last looked like a fetus.

Those images seemed very familiar and I ran back to the locked box. The images were on the lock and I switched it to that combination. The box opened and a straw doll was inside. I took the doll to the stove and burnt it. A finger fell out...wait what?

I grabbed the finger and ran to the clown. I put it where it was missing a finger, I put the pen in the hand, and I put the winding key in the dummy.

"WAIT!" Lucas shouted before I wound the key. "Let me do that part."

He wound the key up and the clown grabbed his wrist. It then used the quill pen to carve LOSER into his arm. I shrieked and rushed to him.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yes, go finish the game," he said.

I knew exactly what LOSER was for. I ran back into the hallway with the balloons and I switched the combination and the door opened. On the wall was a valve handle. I grabbed it and ran back to the cake room. On the left was a hole that fit the handle. I turned the handle and the water shut off.

I ran to the stove, lit the candle, and ran into the cake room. I put the candle in the cake.

"I did it!" I yelled.

"Good job," he said with a smile. "I'm proud of you."

"Thanks," I said. "What was this for though?"

"It's just something I wanted to do," he said. "I believe it's time for bed now."

We left the area and went to the bathroom. When we were both done, we went to the bedroom. I got changed into my pjs and he undressed to his boxers. I got into bed and he got in behind me. I turned so that I was facing him and cuddled up into his chest.

"Goodnight, Lucas," I said while my eyes were closed.

"Goodnight, baby," Lucas said.

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