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"If we can get away from him, we can hide in the old house," Lucas said. "I can distract him."

"I don't know.." I said.

"How else are we gonna get--" he was cut off by Jack's footsteps. He quickly laid down the way he was before and I crouched in the shadow again. He stayed there longer than usual and I was afraid he was going to come in.

Eventually, he turned to walk away. I could hear him say, "suppers almost ready. If you come out now, I won't hurt you."

I looked at Lucas as he turned to me. "Is he serious?" I asked.

"I don't know, but it's worth a shot. If he attacks, I'll get in the way and you can run to the old house," he said.

"I want you with me.." I said.

"I'll be right behind you," he replied.

Then, I shocked both of us when I got up, walked to the bed, leaned down, and kissed him. He kissed me back. I was so worried that what we were about to do wasn't going to work.

I pulled away and he smiled.

"C'mon baby! We can do this," he said.

He left the room first and I followed. We left the room and walked outside and into the hallway by the door to the main hall. As we were walking through the door, Jack said, "Ah! There you are!"

Lucas and I kept walking trough the door and continued down the steps, Jack caught up with us and grabbed my shoulder and spun me around.

I put my hands up and surrendered, "we were on our way to supper. I'm starving."

"Well, good!" Jack exclaimed. "You better not hurt Marguerite's feeling again, you hear me?"

"Yes, I'm sorry," I said.

"Go on now you two. I have something else to attend to," he said before walking away.

"Ah shit!" Lucas shouted to himself.

"What is it?" I whispered.

"See that door? It has a Cerberus on it and Dad took apart it's heads. The door will not open without them," he explained.

"Glad that wasn't what our plan came to," I said.

We continued down to the dining room.

When we arrived, there was a woman there. She was a pretty woman with long black/brown hair. She was cuffed to the chair.

"This is your new sister, Lucas," Marguerite said. "Eveline always wanted a sister."

"She wanted me to be her mother and I said no," the woman said.

"We now your her sister!" Marguerite shouted.

Lucas looked at Eveline and then to his mom. "She already has a sister," he said. "You know, Zoe."

"Zoe is not here," Marguerite said. "Now, supper is ready."

Just as she set all the "food" on the table, Jack walked in.

"I'm glad you could join us Mia," he said as he sat down.

Lucas and I sat down as well.

"Go to hell," Mia said. "All of you."

"Let's eat!" Marguerite said.

I did what I did before. I took a bite and drank water. I did this until my food was gone.

"Would you like seconds dear?" Marguerite asked me.

"I'll take a little bit," I said. "I'm getting full from all this delicious food."

Her face lit up with joy, "oh thank you dear!"

She scooped another serving of it on my plate.

"May I excuse myself to get some more water?" I asked.

"You may," Jack and Marguerite said in unison.

I got up and got the water. I returned to my seat right as Mia pushed her plate on the floor.

"She'a not eatin' it Jack! She's not eating it!" Marguerite started screaming.

"Get the hell out of here Marguerite," Jack shouted as he rushed to Mia.

Marguerite stormed out of the dining room.

He picked up a piece of supper and shoved it in her mouth. He put his hand over her mouth and forced her to swallow.

"Was that so hard?" Jack asked.

He ripped her out of the seat and walked her out into the hallway. I was afraid for her, but there was nothing I could do.

"Well, I guess it's time to go to the bedroom?" I asked.

He stood up. "I have some thing to work on before bed tonight. You are welcome to come with me," he said, offering me his hand. I took it and stood up as well.

"I'd like that," I said.

We walked hand-in-hand to the Cerberus door, which was open at the moment.

"My dad must have taken Mia out," he said. We continued outside and into the testing area.

As we were on our way to wherever, I asked, "Lucas? I had to go into the basement to get the scorpion key. What was that thing I ran into?"

"What thing?" He asked.

"It was black and it had sharp teeth. It tried to take a bite out of me," I explained.

"That's part of Eveline," he said. "She only disguises herself as a human. She's made out of that Bio-organic material. I call them molded. She turns people into them."

"Poor people," I said quietly.

"Yeah..." he said.

We continued up the stairs and through some hallways. We got to a room with a stove and counter. I stopped him.

"Lucas..thank you," I said, looking into his eyes.

"For what?" He asked.

"Everything," I said.

I stood up on my toes and I kissed him. He kissed me back.

"It's my turn to thank you," he said. "For giving me something good to care for."

And that made me smile for the first time since I'd been there.

Stockholm Syndrome (Twisted Lucas Baker Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now