Getting the Girls

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Mia was speaking to Ethan, "I can only remember a little, but the rest is just gone."

Lucas stepped forward, rounded the bend, and grabbed Mia.

"Daddy, right?" Lucas asked and chuckled. "You mind if I borrow Mommy for a little bit?"

He started dragging her out another door and I waited.

"Well don't just stand something!" Lucas yelled at Ethan before slamming the door. I went outside and shut the door and met him on the side of the house with Mia.

"We are taking her to the boathouse," Lucas said.

"I'll follow you," I said.

We set off for the boathouse. Mia was squirming and kicking. She was doing everything she could to try to escape unsuccessfully.

When we got there, he tied Mia's wrists together around a pipe.

"Now we need to get my fuckin' sister," Lucas said with disgust. "She's been helping Ethan."

"We can't have that," I said.

"There's one thing we can do before that though," he said. "Y'know the dead cop my dad slammed on the table?"

I nodded.

"Well, I'm taking his head and putting it in the trailer fridge. I believe Ethan has been using the trailer as a saferoom," Lucas explained.

We rushed to the butcher room and found the cop laying on the table. The molded had gotten to him. There was a huge deformation on his head.

Lucas took the meat cleaver off the wall and chopped his head off. It fell to the floor with a thud. It gave me butterflies.

He grabbed the snake key and shoved it inside the cop's esophagus. He pushed it elbow deep.

He grabbed the cop's head and put a sign he made behind the cop's body. The sign hinted to Ethan where to get the key.

We rushed all the way back out to the trailer. Zoe was in the trailer when we arrived. He tossed the head at me and I placed it in the fridge. Zoe tried to push past Lucas, but she wasn't strong or fast enough.

"Lucas! Please help me!" She shouted.

"Now why would I do that?" He asked her.

He grabbed her and dragged her to the boathouse with Mia. He tied her to the bars in the window.

"You son of a bitch!" She yelled. "You're not even infected! You're just an asshole!"

All of a sudden, Zoe gasped and dropped to her knees. The only thing keeping her up was the pipe holding her wrists together.

Zoe looked up and her face had changed. She looked like a zombie. She started pulling and trying her hardest to break free, but was unsuccessful.

Then, she changed back to normal.

"Let me go," Zoe said.

"No, I don't think so," Lucas said before walking out the door.

I was just turning to leave when Zoe said, "hey! Lucas kidnapped you...will you please untie us? Ethan is gonna bring ingredients for a serum to reverse the infection from Eveline and we can all escape together!"

"No," I said bluntly. "I'm not going anywhere...and neither are you." I turned and walked out the door to join Lucas.

Stockholm Syndrome (Twisted Lucas Baker Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now