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A/N: I haven't updated in a while. I've had bad writers block. I'm back and I'm FINISHING THIS STORY very soon!! 😄. Everything in bold comes directly from the game. Documents and emails and such from Lucas. I don't own. Enjoy!!

Lucas' POV

There she was, laying almost lifeless in my arms. How could she survive this? She was shot by the cops and burned by a pipe-bomb. Her body would most certainly give up, wouldn't it?

I couldn't hold back the tears. I have never felt like this before.

I grabbed my phone and turned on the screen. My father just grabbed Ethan in the boat docks. I couldn't miss this fight.

"It's bad enough you took my new daughter away from me," my dad cried out. "Now your plotting against me—with my own blood?! You turned my own kin against me!"

Ethan shot at his deformed eyeballs. He missed several shots and made a few. One of the eyeballs burst and my father shrunk down to the lower level of the docks.

One by one, Ethan dodged my father and shot out the eyeballs. My father kept crawling around, trying to attack Ethan. He continued taunting him.

"I'm gonna get ya!"
"You shouldn't have come here."
"I can't die, but you can!"
"You're going to wish you'd had a good sense to just lay down and die."

When Ethan blew father's last eye apart, my Father cried out in pain and sunk under the water. Ethan relaxed briefly, letting his guard down long enough to be grabbed and pulled under water.

My father opened one more eye and said to Ethan, "You are gonna wish you had never been born."

Ethan took that moment to shoot my father right in his last eye with the shotgun. My father thrashed around for a brief moment before collapsing into the water.

"Now, I've seen everything," Ethan said, out of breath.

The door behind Ethan opened and my horrible sister said, "Ethan, this way!"

Ethan was stepping through the door when my father grabbed him, pulled him back, and said, "not leaving, are you?"

He was holding Ethan when Zoe yelled, "use the serum on him!"

"You want me to cure him?!" Ethan asked as he shoved the syringe into my father's skin.

My father was too far gone. Instead of curing him, it turned him into a statue. Zoe helped Ethan out of the room.

"No!" I shouted. I punched the ground, causing my fist to bleed. "That asshole can't win!"

[y/n] moaned beside me. I dropped my phone and looked over at her. She opened her eyes and looked at me.

"Baby," I whispered. "I'm gonna get us out of here."

She smiled at me. She had such an adorable smile. It froze time in my mind. It was just me and her.

Your POV

I smiled up at him. He's gonna save us.

He picked me up and carried me out of the house. I was wondering where we were going.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked, my voice barely a whisper.

"The Abercrombie Salt Mines," he replied. "They are abandoned."

After what felt like an eternity, we made it to the edge of a swamp.

"Unfortunately, we're gon' get a bit wet," he warned.

A moment later, my body became very cold and wet. The sudden chill caused me to whimper. I was starting to shiver. He sloshed his way through, ducking under logs. Finally, we made it to a small building, probably a shack.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2019 ⏰

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