The Night Everything Changed

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That's how many times we fucked last night. I put all my energy into it, and now I wanted to sleep for three days. I was going to take a quick nap when Jack announced breakfast.

"Let's go," Lucas said.

"Okay," I said.

We got dressed and went down to breakfast. The cop was there. He was strapped to the chair. His stump of a leg was bandaged up. I thought for sure he would be dead by now.

"What's he doin' here?" Lucas asked.

"We couldn't just let him starve," Marguerite said. "You want to have more fun with him, don't ya?"

I smiled an evil grin.

"Oh yes," I said. "Thank you so much."

We sat down to eat breakfast. Thanks to Eveline, I was able to enjoy the food Marguerite made. After we ate, Jack ripped the tape off of the cop's mouth and shoved the food into his mouth like he did with Mia. He put his hand over the cop's mouth and forced him to swallow. He did this until the plate was empty and then he gave him water. We all excused ourselves from the table and Marguerite set off to clean up.

Jack took the cop back to his room and we walked in. Lucas was setting up the electric machine from the 21 game. He put it right over his hand and set it on level 3.

He turned it on and the cop started convulsing. I laughed and grabbed the saw again. When Lucas turned the electricity off, I went to his other arm and began cutting. Halfway through, I let go of the saw and grabbed my forehead. The pain running through my head was so intense.

"Lucas, c-come h-here.." I managed to get out. He rushed over to me. He wanted to help, but didn't know how.

All of a sudden, I lost complete control of myself. I ripped the saw out of the cop's arm. I took two steps toward his head and drove the saw through his throat. He gurgled on blood for a a few seconds before his body went limp and lifeless.

I gained control of myself again and fell to the floor. Lucas kneeled beside me. He picked me up and kissed me. I felt a rush of strength wash over me. I stood up and hugged him.

So, I needed almost constant physical contact from Lucas to keep myself grounded and strong.

"Lucas?" I asked.

"Go ahead baby," he said.

"How did you get the serum the counteract Eveline's control?" I asked.

"I was in communication with the people who created her," he explained.

"I need some," I said.

"I don't know if that's possible," he said. "I can try."

"Thank you," I said.

I grabbed my head again and flinched once again. I stumbled. I felt weak again. Lucas picked me up and carried me to bed. He made me rest.

Lucas POV

I hated seeing her like this. I made her sleep because of how weak she was. If she wasn't kissing or hugging me, she was in pain and collapsing on the floor.

While she was sleeping, I was trying to make contact with the B.O.W. manufacturer that created Eveline. No such luck.

After several hours, my dad came up and said, "Lucas, I need some help before supper. Marguerite could use [y/n]'s help in the kitchen as well."

"Okay dad" Lucas said.

"Baby, you need to wake up now," I said as I put my hand on her arm. She stirred but didn't wake up. I leaned down and kissed her on the cheek.

She opened her eyes and smiled. "How long was I asleep?" She asked.

"All day," I said. "It's almost supper time. My mom needs your help in the kitchen."

"Are you coming?" She asked with a worried look.

"My dad needs help with something while your in the kitchen," I explained. "I don't know what."

She started breathing heavier and I knew she was nervous.

"It'll be okay!" I said. "When I get back, I'll give you a million kisses."

"Okay..." she said quietly.

We walked down to the dining room where my mom and dad were.

"Oh, there you are dear!" My mom said when she saw [y/n]. "Would you help me prepare supper?"

"Yes, ma'am," [y/n] said as she began walking into the kitchen.

"Alright, Lucas," my dad said. "Eveline told me that there is a man named Ethan on his way to the guest house. He is here to get Mia."

"Why do you need my help?" I asked.

"Eveline wants you away from [y/n] for awhile. I don't know why, but we must listen," he said.

I followed him out of the room and toward the guest house.

Reader POV

As soon as Lucas left the room, I could feel the migraine creeping into my skull.

"Alright dear, I'm gonna need you to cut this into small pieces," she said while demonstrating.

I began cutting, but all I could think of was Lucas. I kept thinking about how amazing he was, how amazing he made me feel, how amazing sex with him was, and how I wanted to have sex with him right then. As I was thinking about him, I accidentally cut my fingertip off.

"Ouch!" I snapped.

My finger was dripping blood into the food I was cutting.

"Oh I'm so sorry!" I said as I was washing my hand off.

"Oh dear, that's just fine! The meat came from humans anyway," she explained. "What's a little blood and skin gonna hurt?"

"Yeah.." I said.

I needed Lucas. I wanted Lucas. I couldn't stop thinking about Lucas. What if someone was trying to harm him? The thought made my blood boil.

I looked at Marguerite and she was just smashing up some bugs to mix with the human intestines I had just chopped up.

When we were finished cooking the meal, we took everything out to the table.

Just as we had finished setting everything out, Jack and Lucas returned with our new guest.

Jack set him in the chair that Mia and the cop sat in. Jack stapled the man's wrists to the arms of the chair. The man was unconscious. I went to Lucas and gave him a kiss before we all took our seats.

None of us could even imagine that when this man woke up, everything was going to change.

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