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A/N-This is with the 11th Doctor...there are some...implications if you know what I mean. Enjoy!

"Please, just take me home," You said, tears streaming down your cheeks. You and the Doctor had been traveling together for almost two years now and you'd generally gotten along pretty well. Until now, that is. He had said some things, awful things, and you had too. You didn't want to stay somewhere you were constantly ignored and hurt, however unintentional it might be. He didn't know how you felt.

"(Y/N), please," The Doctor pleaded with you. "Please, just...stay." You looked up at him, staring into his beautiful green eyes. You wanted to stay. The Doctor took a step towards you, pulling you into his arms. You blushed slightly, your heart racing at his touch.  "Please, (Y/N), stay," he repeated, drawing you even closer. You stared up at him, completely aware of how close you were. Your eyes gazed longingly at his lips. He's probably a good kisser. You shook your head. You couldn't think about things like that. The Doctor and you were friends...only friends, if even that much anymore. You loved him. He didn't love you. You closed your eyes, unwilling to give him the answer he wanted.

"I...can't" You sobbed softly, staring down at the floor.

"Why?" His deep voice resonated through the room as he grabbed your wrist as you tried to run away. You turned your back, unable to face him. Your breath automatically increased as he slowly snaked his arms around your waist. "Why?" He asked again, resting his face in the crook of your neck. You took a deep breath, the tears still falling steadily.

"Doctor, please, just stop," You cried softly. "You don't know what you do to me. I...I can't stay here being constantly ignored," The Doctor kissed your neck, sending chills up your spine.

"Why?" He breathed into your neck, still kissing it. You couldn't hold it back any longer.

"Don't you see?" You cried. "I love you! I love you more than you will ever know!" The Doctor spun you around quickly, pulling you up against him.

"(Y/N) I am so sorry," he said, staring deep into your (E/C) eyes before catching your lips with his. You grabbed a fistful of his shirt automatically, pulling him as close as you could. The Doctor's hands wandered your body, causing you to shudder visibly. The Doctor gently lifted away a little, breaking the kiss. "Stay." He whispered. It was more of a command than a question. You nodded as he gently laid you down on the floor, sitting down beside you. You sat up, leaning against the bottom half of the control panel, resting your head on his shoulder. He smiled a little, running his fingers through your (H/C) hair. You stayed there for a few minutes, cuddling.

 The Doctor suddenly picked you up, pulling you on top of him. You let one hand rest on his chest while you kissed him passionately. The Doctor slowly began to trail his hand up your leg, giving you chills. He stopped eventually, letting his hand rest on your thigh. You deepened the kiss, tracing illegible letters all over his chest. The Doctor let out a soft chuckle, his other hand entangled deep in your hair. You let out a soft sigh of  happiness as you broke the kiss, resting your head on his shoulder again, playing idly with the buttons on his shirt,

"When did you know?" You asked, your voice muffled by his crisp white shirt.

"I don't know, it was just a gradual thing," he whispered back, still running his fingers through your hair. "when did you know?"

"Right after you rescued me from the Daleks, that's when I knew for sure," You said, lifting your head a bit so you could stare into his eyes as the Doctor moved his hand from your hair to stroke the crook of your neck. You leaned in again, surprised when you were rolled over. You let out a nervous giggle as the Doctor rolled on top of you, pinning you to the ground.

"How much do you love me?" He asked, his eyes twinkling.

"Hmm," You pretended to consider the question. "That is a tough question..." You trailed off, teasing him. The Doctor smirked.

"Well if you won't talk, I've got more than one way to get the truth out of you," He said, running his hands over your body again. He kissed you lightly, again and again, each time deepening the kiss. You gasped for breath, your face red.

"I'll...tell you," You finally managed out, blushing deeply. The Doctor chuckled.

"Hmm... I don't know if I want to stop now," He said, his face inches away from yours. He leaned into you again, only this time, you were prepared. You hastily untied his bow-tie, flinging it as far away as you could before beginning to unbutton his shirt. The Doctor's eyes widened in surprise as his grip on you loosed. You swung around, deftly turning the tables so that you now lay on top of him. The Doctor laughed at your antics, pulling you off of him before sitting up. He ran his fingers through his already disheveled hair before standing up. He offered you his hand, pulling you up too. He kissed you lightly before stepping away.

"Maybe later," He said, smirking as he stooped to collect his bow-tie  before walking out of the room. You smiled. You would hold him to that...

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