Hide and Seek

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A/N-This is a request done for @MeryWeasley with the Eleventh Doctor. Once again, feel free to DM at any time with a request; I'll be more than happy to write it.

"Come out, come out wherever you are..." The Doctor's singsong voice sounded through the extensive library as he searched the room for his hiding companion. "I know you're in here Mery...you can't hide forever..." Mery stifled a giggle from the bookshelf she had chosen to hide behind. She was intent on winning this round of hide and seek; the Doctor has already won too many in her personal opinion. Mery listened intently as the footsteps near her hiding place drew closer, biting her lip to keep herself from bursting out in laughter. The footsteps came even closer as the Doctor appeared right in front of her, turned in the opposite direction. He peered around the corner of the shelf across from her.

"I've got you!" He exclaimed, jumping as he realized he had found nothing more then thin air. he stumbled backward a bit, almost running directly into her. Mery took the opportunity, springing on his already unstable figure, knocking him down in one swift motion. "Ahhh!" the Doctor let out a cry of surprise as he came toppling down backwards. 

"You didn't expect to see me did you?" Mery asked mischievously, gazing down at his comical figure laid across the floor. She stepped on his chest with one foot to prevent him from moving.

"Mery," The Doctor gasped. "Don't ever do that again...I could have had a heart attack!" Mery raised an eyebrow humorously, flipping her fine combed brunette hair over her shoulder before addressing the Doctor again.

"I highly doubt that I could... but even if such an event did happen you would still have your other heart wouldn't you?" The Doctor rolled his eyes, reaching up to straight his bowtie.

"Alright, you are technically correct but having tried that before I have absolutely no desire to try it again. it's absolutely pitiful! one heart! the very idea!' he scoffed playfully.

"Watch what you say...or you might just find this girl with one heart showing you exactly how pitiful it is while she stands over you in triumph! Oh wait...thats right, I already am!" Mery laughed joyously. The Doctor turned a bit pink and shifted nervously. 

"Can I get up now?" the Doctor asked, struggling to sit up underneath Mery's foot. Mery smirked.

"I don't know...maybe...if you answer one of my questions truthfully first,' she replied, crossing her arms in defiance. The Doctor groaned in frustration, knowing full well that it was his only means of escape.

"Fine," he huffed. "Only one question."

"Oh one is more than enough," Mery purred. " All I need to know is...are you ticklish?" The Doctor squirmed nervously. 

"I...uh...um...No?" He said, his response coming out as more of a question. Mery tilted her head back and let out a hearty laugh that made the Doctor's heart swell. He loved it when she laughed... the way her brown hair lightly brushed against her face...the way her full lips opened ever so slightly...The Doctor was shaken from his thoughts when Mery sat down beside him, holding him down with her hands. 

"How ticklish?" Mery asked with a smirk, one hand now poised to attack. The Doctor gulped nervously, suddenly restless with the proximity between himself and his rather attractive companion. Her yellow eyes gleamed with an air of mystery, their twinkling depth unfathomably beautiful. Something inside the Doctor snapped as he reached up with his hands, drawing them around her wrists like chains as he flipped her over in one steady move that was wholly unlike him. 

"My, my, my...look how the tables have turned," The Doctor grinned, his face unknowingly moving closer to her lips as he eyed them hungrily. Mery struggled against him , attempting to ignore the feelings his gaze was sending through her brain. 

"Let go of me!" She whispered, her voice coming out a bit more breathily than intended. The Doctor's bright green eyes softened as he stared back into her own tangy lemon drops, his pupils slowly growing with want. He brushed a hand through her silken brown hair, caressing it with as much care as a loving husband would. 

"I don't think I can do that quite yet Mery," he growled, his lips descending on her own, a magic eraser that completely cleared her head of all thoughts save one: him. Mery let out a groan of pleasure as the Doctor's tongue teased her mouth open, exploring its depths with great care. Mery felt her own hand go to his scalp as she tightly gripped  his mangy brown hair. The Doctor carefully lowered himself down, making certain he would not crush her with his weight. With a soft parting, he let her lips loose of his luscious torment for a moment to stare at her. Mery could feel her face heat up at his calculated assessment of her tangled hair and ragged breaths before he let his lips softly reclaim hers again, satisfied that she also returned the inexplicable things he felt when ever he saw her. No words were needed, just the combination of soft innocent lips paired with rougher more experienced ones. The Doctor again pulled away, resting his head on her forehead as he got his breath. "God Mery," he breathed. "I don't even now how I could ever describe exactly what I'm feeling right now." Mary lay panting beneath him, unsure of what to do next. 

"So shut up and kiss me," She heard herself say, her own two traitorous hands pulling the object of her dreams and desires back to her lips. The Doctor's  soft hands worshiped her body as if it were the most precious thing in the galaxy, drawing sounds she had not know to be possible from her throat. The Doctor let out a low growl as she began to explore his chest, pinning her hands above her head. 

"No," He grunted, leaning back down to steal her lips once more.

"Why not?" Mery asked against his lips, ignoring the need that had suddenly pooled in her heart. 

"Mery...we can't go any farther...I can't..." Mery gazed up at him, her chest heaving with need as she watched him stutter, trying to find the right words to explain. With a quick yank, Mery freed her hands of his loosened grip and placed them on his chest again.  

"Now what were you saying?" Mery asked with a slight smile on her face as his emerald green eyes darkened at east five shades.

"I...I..." Mery allowed a full smirk to grace her face as she drew his lips to her gently for a few precious moments. 

"That's what I thought," She whispered. the Doctor groaned as he clutched her waist in his hands, his control of the situation fading away faster than the speed of light. in one motion he grabbed her lips forcefully, lingering their for a moment before moving to her ear. 

"I guess this means hide and seeks' cancelled?' He asked darkly in a low voice, his eyes glittering with a predatory need as he gently nibbled her lobe. Mery let out a slight gasp at the flood of adrenaline the motion sent through her body, her answer already abundantly clear,

"I've already found the only prize I want." 

A/N: Hi again...sorry its been so long. I know that I said I was back in business and would be writing more often but unfortunately...life happened. My grandma got sick so I ended up in Idaho for a week, and when I got home I lost internet connection on my laptop and only just now got it back. Sorry again! I've been panicking because I know how overdue this is...I'm so, so sorry. Hopefully I'll be able to publish something by Sunday; I already have a few more chapters in the works right now, so wish me luck and hope the hiatus doesn't kill me first!

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