Emergency in England part 3

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A/N- Sorry this took so long to publish; I've been pretty busy this week with homework and other boring drab stuff. I think I may have gotten out of character with this one; sorry.

I groaned, clutching the side of my chest, rolling around on the dirt floor. "Help..." I yelled as loud as I could. "Help!" Passing footsteps stopped at the sound of my voice, right in front of my cell.

"Why should I help you?" A man's grainy voice snarled, the unmistakable sneer penetrating the wooden door. I gulped.

"Well...don't you want the pleasure of killing me?" I ask feebly before groaning again. I decided to add in an extra bonus. "Plus, it would be an awful shame for the reward to go to waste." The man immediately perked up.

"Reward! What reward?" He asked, becoming a bit wary. I hid a smile at his reaction and groaned again before responding,

"The reward for my execution. Haven't you heard? Whoever comes up with the most imaginative death for me gets a pretty large sum from what I've heard," I lied, still clutching my side under the pretense of pain. The guard outside the door seemed to mull over what I'd said for a minute before his greed outweighed his instincts.

"So the Queen really hates you. All right, I'm coming in...but no funny business!" He said, as the door outside began to rattle. I smirked. Oh there'd be nothing funny about this at all. I got up from my position on the floor, moving over to the door, redyeing my sonic. As it burst open, I soniced the guard, drawing his visor over his face. I grabbed the keys out of his hand, slamming the door tightly before taking off running. The cries of the man echoed after me, as I passed other guards patrolling the area. It was only a matter of time before one of them would realize something was amiss. I ran faster as the door to the tower came into view. I reached the door, suddenly aware of the footsteps that followed closely behind me. I hastily fumbled with the door, attempting to open it as quickly as possible. I felt several hands tugging at my coat as I slipped out of the door, running quickly through the streets, the guards now in hot pursuit.

"Stop in the name of the Queen!" A voice yelled from behind me. I rolled my eyes and kept running. Did they really expect that to work? I had clearly been imprisoned by the queen herself, only an idiot would assume I would actually stop in her name. She had put me in the jail in the first place, I certainly did not harbor any feelings of patriotism or admiration for her at this point in time. I gained enough headway to duck into a small alleyway, pressed directly against the wall as I listened to the constant sound of footsteps racing past. I breathed a sigh of relief as the last of the footsteps faded away. It was still dark outside, but it wouldn't be for much longer. I only had a matter of hours. I needed to find Clara.


I sat up, panting slightly. Where was I? It took me a minute to remember what had happened. The Doctor, helping me escape and telling me to head away from London. I stretched, uncomfortable and sore from my long walk. An inn had been willing to take me in after I showed them my psychic paper. Apparently, I was a well known noble lady, ensuring that I got a nice warm feather bed. Despite all that, I was still tired and sore. I had walked for hours to get here, and my legs ached. I hadn't gotten much sleep either, come to think. I'd been up for most the night, tossing and turning while worrying about the Doctor. We were supposed to be executed around today, or at least, that's what I'd overhead through little tidbits of gossip. If the Doctor wasn't already out, escaping would be a lot harder. This inn was hours away on foot; the queen had horses that could easily outrun any man, timelord or not. I ran my fingers through my hair, hardhearted to feel how tangled it was. I silently wished for a brush to comb the tangles out of my rather messy hair. I sighed and slid out of bed, already dressed in my only pair of clothes. I slipped on my boots and opened the door to the room I had been assigned, stepping out into the main room. It was loud and noisy; there were various men laughing rowdily while downing several pints of ale with their breakfast. My stomach rumbled as I realized just how hungry I was too. I took a step forward, attempting to smooth out my rather wrinkled red dress when I accidentally bumped into a tall stranger.

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