Emergency in England Part 1

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A/N-A friend wrote some of this with me so the writing style is a bit different.

I sat up, groaning and clutching my hair. I had an awful headache and I was dizzy. I got up woozily, curious to see what has happened. Where was I? I groaned as I leaned up against something cold and hard. I put my hand on what seemed to be a wall, trying to regain my blurry vision. Was it a stonewall... or a brick wall? I shook my head. No, it was definitely a stone wall.

"Stone wall, let's see..." I trailed off, talking to myself. Castles came to mind when I thought of stone walls. The question was where? I noticed a slight trickle of light flickering in from around the corner. I stumbled over, keeping one hand on the wall for support. It was a small window, beautifully and meticulously crafted. I leaned over, looking out at the surrounding countryside. This was definitely England. I suddenly felt a jab on my shoulder and whirled around.

"Who's there?" I asked, trying to make out the blurry figure in front of me. It was dark and the air was musty, I was still having trouble seeing clearly. My vision gradually cleared, revealing a short girl in a velvet red dress, with chocolate brown eyes and golden brown hair cascading down over her shoulders in perfect ringlets. They were features that I knew well. Clara...

"It's about time you got up," she said, poking me with my sonic screwdriver. She laughed. "You look rubbish!" I ran my fingers through my hair, confused. What was Clara doing here? What was I doing here for that matter?

"Clara, what happened?" I asked, hoping she could shed some light on the matter, "What are you doing with my Sonic Screwdriver?!?" Clara gave a slight smile at my indignance.

"The Tardis just kicked you out and left. You've had a nasty tumble," She replied, explaining the how I got here part of the equation. "I'm here investigating the Queen. She's been acting strangely of late; some people say she's been practicing witchcraft."

"Ah Clara, Just as I remember you," I said half to myself, ignoring everything she had just told me about her ongoing investigation. I was just glad to see her again.

"Stay focused, Doctor! I need your help," she said, slapping me across the face. It felt like a bee sting.

"What was that for?" I moaned, rubbing my red cheek. She smirked, her eyes laughing.

"Just for good measure," She winked, grabbing my arm before taking off running. I ran after her, gasping for breath. I stumbled and felt a huge jolt as I tumbled to the ground. I rolled over, looking to see who or what we had run into. It was a stately woman with ginger hair tightly pinned up, donned in a blood red dress. I slowly got up, noticing the frightened look on Clara's face, equally rivaling the looked of pure hatred on the woman's face.

"Your majesty..." Clara gasped, sinking into a low curtsy. Your majesty? I studied the woman in front of us again, this time noticing a small detail I had missed. A crown. I bowed, unsure what else to do.

"Get out of here!" she interrupted, her face turning red.

"I'm so dreadfully sorry Your Majesty, are you alright? You've seemed off of late, " Clara responded respectfully.

"I SAID GET OUT!" she screamed at a dreadful pitch. Her image flickered for a minute and I thought I saw a horrible creature underneath. Was the queen an alien?

"Are you alright?" Clara asked, trying to keep her cool. I nodded, wincing as my head let out a slight burst of pain.

"That's it! GUARDS! Take them to the dock!"

"Goodie! I love to fish at on a good day like this!" I joked. Clara shot me a glare.

"Stop it! She is going to kill us! Show some respect! This is queen Anne, wife of Henry the eighth!" she hissed under her breath. "This is serious! Can't you tell that she wants us dead? We're not going to fish!" The queen's brow furrowed at our whispered conversation.

"Stop talking! I've changed my mind, I'm sending you straight to the Tower!" She roared. The guards grabbed us, placing coarse potato sacks over our heads. They tugged at our arms all the way to... well, I didn't really know because there were potato sacks over our heads, but I guess the Tower because that's what the queen said. The guards had a tight grip and I felt something being pushed into my arm. I couldn't see, but I was almost positive there would be bruising. Halfway through, I blacked out, tumbling down to the endless floor below. Clara...I must save Clara...I need her...

I sat up, pulling off the sack, looking around. We were in a crude cell, with an uncomfortable cot on the dirty straw floor. There was only one window and the only light came from the melting tallow torches. It was night time then. I must have been out for a while. I looked over at Clara who was still out cold. I ruffled her hair a little bit. The last time I had been too scared to tell her how I felt. I had to be different this time. I was going to get us out of this. I would do it for Clara. I was not going to let anyone take her from me; not ever. I picked her up, letting her head rest on my shoulder. I let the sound of clanging doors and scratching keys lure me into a dangerously light sleep.

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