Galway Girl

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A/N-Yes, I know this story is a bit dramatic; I'm sorry. If you are wondering, it is loosely based off of Ed Sheeran's song 'Galway Girl' (Actually the music video for that just came out today; I was super happy) As always, your votes and comments make extremely happy and are very much appreciated, so thank you. :) 

She stepped out of the deep blue box that could only be deemed magical by anyone who had seen it from her proper time. Surveying her surroundings with one sweeping gaze, she glanced behind her just as his figure emerged to view the country side that now surrounded them, stretching in both directions for miles on end. They stood in silence on the hill, watching the thick grass waver in the wind, the daybreak approaching, casting a pale mist on the surrounding moor. Their moment of silence lasted not a minute before he had already grown impatient with the tranquil silence. He grasped her shoulders firmly, turning her to face him, watching the mist swirl around her thin figure, her silky red hair flowing free as her stormy grey eyes looked at him questioningly. He returned the look teasingly, a slight smile forming on his face as he gazed at the bright, innocent eyes he had grown to love. 

"Well?" She asked impatiently, her foot tapping impatiently as a soft breeze blew through her ginger hair, sweeping it to one side of her face, playing gently with the curly tendrils. He let out a soft chuckled, a memory of their first meeting flashing across his mind as he remembered how insistent and  impatient she had been when she had asked to travel with him. Now they were back in the same place. His shoulders slumped as he remembered exactly what they were doing here. Tears pricked his eyes as the wind turned cold, blowing away all warm, happy thoughts he had attempted to retain. He cleared his throat, running a hand through his dark brown hair as he struggled to find the proper words for such a parting. She noticed his sudden silence, gripping his shoulders as she hugged him, burying her freckled face into his chest, breathing in his scent. 

"You'd better not give me any of that 'parting is such sweet sorrow' rubbish," She teased, her Irish accent sounding more like a melody to him than words. It had been a melody; his song even. He let out a small laugh, attempting to hold back the bittersweet tears that glassed his eyes. She held him tighter, holding in a sniffle as she buried her head deeper into his suit coat in attempt to hide her tears. She let out a shaky laugh as well, attempting too steady her voice before she looked up at him one last time, trying to imprint a perfect image of his deep brown eyes in the back of her mind. She released him, allowing a silly smile to cover her hurt as she gave him a wolfish grin. He returned it, noticing the mischievous twinkle that always seemed to gleam in her cloudy eyes. He would let her go; it was she wanted; to be safe-something he could never offer. She took a step backwards, turning to run down the hill happily, stopping once to glance back at him, her hair blowing wildly, the new sunlight shining down on her, giving her an angelic glow. He gave a wave, watching her bound through the tall grasses as she headed for the town; her fading figure illuminated beautifully on the horizon. He stepped back to his blue box, the emptiness of it hitting him like a load of bricks as he picked up a small ivory comb that had been set on the console, holding it with reverence. At least she was safe. He looked down at the small piece in his hands, running his thumb over the gold encasing of the handle. 

"Goodbye little Galway free," He murmured, his heart swelling with pride as he remembered how she had loved his nickname for her. He closed his eyes, her fading figure still burned to his retinas, etched in stone in his mind. He pushed a button on the console, sinking back into a brown beanbag she'd insisted  upon buying as his magic blue box faded from sight, taking all memory of him and her with it. 

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