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A/N-This was a request done for Hufflepuff_Girl_13. If you would like to make a request, please feel free to DM me and include whatever specifics for the story you'd like. (ex: Character traits or name)

He lunged forward, making an attempt to break the restrains which so tightly held him firmly in place. His coffee brown eyes swirled with anger as he squinted, trying to see through the thick folds of darkness that encircled him. He tugged at his bonds again, heartened by the slight rattle he was now beginning to feel. He yanked harder against his icy chains, letting himself enjoy the sound of the clanging metal against the bare wall that lay behind him. His breath caught as the cuffs flew loose with one final jolt, a loud scrape and then shudder signifying his sudden liberating freedom. He took a step forward tentatively, unsure of where to put his balance and even less confident about what lay hidden in the darkness. Nothing happened; the only sound in the cold room now was that of his own breath and shoes moving quickly across the hardened concrete floor. he stopped as his eyes came to rest on the dim outline of stair that now lay in front of him, his task becoming clear now. Get Jenna and get out. His mind strayed a little as he climbed the winding staircase, his thoughts drifting to his small brunette-haired companion.  He allowed himself to imagine the light that would shine in her beautiful dark chocolate eyes when he rescued her, the way she would laugh as they raced back towards the safety of the Tardis, her long hair streaming wildly behind her as it had so many times before. His pace quickened at the thought, a smile lighting up his face as he thought of just how glad he would be to see her again.


Jenna let her head fall, brown hair cascading down around her face in a protective veil as she stifled a cry. Another blow came; this time to her stomach and she let a small wimper escape her mouth, as pain shot through her body. She lifted her head a fraction of an inch to better study her aggressor. She watched as the woman who towered above her bent down to meet her gaze, her dark stormy eye taunting her wordlessly, the other one seemingly cover by a bright metallic patch that sent chills down her spine. Jenna shifted in her seat, stopping herself from crying out just in time as she lifted her head to fully meet the woman's malicious glare. 

"Who are you?" She spat, watching helplessly as the woman chuckled, shaking her head as the fading brown ringlets of hair on her head swayed with her. 

"My, my!" She cooed, running a rough finger up Jenna's cheek. "We've got a feisty one here  don't we?" Jenna glared up at the woman, ignoring the sharp red manicured nail that now played absently with the loose curls that framed her face.

"I wouldn't treat me like a pet if I were you," Jenna warned, thinking of her savior in converse. the woman elicited a cold, chilling laugh, pinching Jenna's cheek in what could have been deemed affectionate if not for the mocking and heartless smile that consumed the woman's face. 

"Why ever not my dear?" The woman asked sarcastically, giving an dramatically affected gasp. "You don't think you precious Doctor is actually coming to save you do you? That would be incredibly foolish of you my dear; and here I was beginning to think you actually had a brain." Jenna bared her teeth, letting out a low growl.

"The Doctor will come for me as sure as the sun will rise,' She answered, leveling the woman's intense stare with one of her own. The woman smirked.

"I'm afraid he's indisposed at the moment dear and by the time I'm finished with you it will be all too late," Jenna looked up just in time to see something crashing down on her head, the woman's maniacal laughter echoing in her head as she spiraled into the darkness that lay beneath her eyes.


He burst into the last door on the third floor, following the chilling screams that had beckoned him closer. In front of him stood an unknown woman, with an endless brown for her eyes, a hauntingly familiar silver eye patch and curly dark hair. Next to her, much to his horror, sat Jenna, her head down as she let out a bloodcurdling scream as a bolt of light shot down from overhead, knocking her out for a few seconds before the next one would hit. He ran to her side, only to be restrained by a barrier between himself and her. A force field that he could do nothing about without his screwdriver. His eyes turned towards the woman who stood next to Jenna, her smile growing wider with each shriek of pain. 

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