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A/N-Just another TenRose fanfic...

I raced on, searching frantically through the rubble and ruins.

"Rose!" I yelled desperately. "Rose!" Where was she? She had to be okay. I couldn't lose her. Not her. I ran faster, my movements becoming more and more erratic with every passing second. The sonic wasn't picking up any life forms. She wasn't here. In all probability, she was dead. I sank to the cluttered ground at the realization that Rose was gone. I covered my face with my hands, breathing heavily. She couldn't be gone, she couldn't. I'd never get to see her adorable smile again...or watch her golden hair shine in the moonlight on some foreign planet. I'd never get to tell her...how much I loved her.

"My Rose," I wept softly, listening to the slight tremble of the planet. It was going to implode soon, it would be completely pulverized into dust. I might as well go with it. Without Rose, I was lost; alone. I should have never left her by herself. I should have stayed with her every hour of every day. I should have told her how much I loved her. A muffled voice broke through my grief.

"Doctor," I lifted my hands from my face, tears still streaking my cheeks. Maybe there was hope.

"Rose!" I yelled, following the sound of her faint and weak voice. I searched the rubble again, desperately shoving rocks and scraps of what used to be a city out of the way.

"Over here," a voice croaked. I rushed over, brushing away the debris to reveal Rose, hurt but not dead. I picked her up, staring at her peaceful face, trying not to notice how labored her breathing was. If I didn't get her back to the Tardis she would die.

"I'm going to take you to safety Rose, stay with me," I whispered in her ear. Her chestnut eyes fluttered open momentarily and a weak smile tugged at her face. She was beautiful... I rushed Rose to the Tardis, not slowing until I reached the med-bay. I laid her down on the medical bed, grabbing the equipment I needed. She would be okay. She would live. She had too...


"Doctor?" I sat up, my vision blurry. What had happened? The Doctor! Was he...? I searched the room with my eyes quickly, my eyes catching on a tall and lean figure wearing a suit I knew all to well. I blinked a few times, clearing my vision as the Doctor walked over, towering above me with a happy smile on his face. He gently pushed me back down, a tender look in his eyes. 

"Rose you need to rest," He said, pulling up a chair to sit beside me. I looked up at his face, gripping his hand tightly. The Doctor sighed and ran his other hand through his spiky brown hair as if unsure what to do with it. I couldn't help but glance longingly at his lips, envisioning closing the short space between his and mine while at the same time noticing how perfectly our hands fit together. I closed my eyes for a minute, willing  away those thoughts. If I told him he'd send me away. Even if he would never know how I felt, losing him altogether would be much worse. The Doctor stopped running his fingers through his hair, instead brushing it up and down my arm, sending shudders up my spine. I slowly drifted off to his peppermint scent, lured into a cloud of security with his arms around me.

I picked her up again, watching her blonde hair cascade down behind her as I carried Rose to her room. She didn't need to be in the med-bay now. All she needed was some rest. I could've lost her. I laid her down gently on her bed, sitting on the edge so I could watch her sleeping. She looked so peaceful, it was hard to believe that she'd been badly injured mere hours before. I brushed her golden hair lightly with my hand, imagining how it would feel to tangle my hands in it at full force, how it would feel to press my lips flush against her full pink lips. I sighed, shaking my head. I couldn't act on those feelings. If I did she'd leave and I couldn't bear life without her. Rose made me a better person,she was my reason to be a good person. I would not let anything harm her ever...

I woke with a start, surprised to see I had drifted off to sleep. I barely slept, but with all the stress and physical exertion I'd been facing recently, I wasn't too surprised. I looked over to see two beautiful brown eyes staring up at me. 

"Oh, hello, you're awake!" I said rather awkwardly, rubbing my neck.

"What happened?" Rose asked, trying to sit up. I gulped, unsure where to begin. 

"Well...um, you almost died...and...um" Rose swiftly cut me off with a kiss, as my eyes widened in surprise. She pulled me down next to her with amazing strength for someone who had experienced a near death situation that day. 

"I'm sick of hiding and I am sick of being alone!" Rose said,fiddling with my shirt buttons . I pulled her closer to me, wrapping my arms around her.

"You don't have to be alone anymore," I said, pulling her closer and closing my eyes.

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