Emergency in England- Part 2

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A/N-This is a continuation of part one. I don't really ship Whouffaldi, so please tell me what you think about this in the comments.

I slowly opened my eyes, taking in a deep breath. It smelled like hay and...peppermint. I looked up to see the Doctor's concerned gaze fixated right back at me. I struggled to remember what had happened while I quickly scanned the room with my eyes, unwilling to lift my head off the Doctor's shoulder just yet. We were in what appeared to be a cell, with cold, uneven stone walls and a dirt floor, it was hardly sanitary. I shuddered, thinking about all the different diseases that the floor was probably crawling with. I shut my eyes, trying to rid myself of those disturbing thoughts. 

"So," I said, reluctantly sitting up. "Do you have a plan?" The Doctor smirked and searched his coat pocket, panic seeming to set in as he realized that what he was looking for was missing. I smiled, holding up his Sonic Screwdriver. "Looking for something?" The Doctor's eyes narrowed as he snatched his screwdriver with a humph. He stood up, making his way over to the door.

"Oh you've got to be kidding me,"  he said, staring at the wooden door in front of him. "You've got to be bloody kidding me!" I raised an eyebrow.

"Did you just now notice that, Mr. Timelord?" I quirked sarcastically. The Doctor turned to defend himself, flabbergasted while I grabbed his screwdriver again and soniced the widow, loosing the bars from their hold. "You need to get a setting for wood," I said while trying to squeeze through the window. I scrambled down the other side and waited expectantly for the Doctor in the streets. It was pitch black, save for the occasional flicker of a distant candle light and the normally bustling streets were eerily quiet. "Doctor, Come on!" I hissed, suddenly wary of what might be lurking in the shadows, waiting to pounce. The Doctor turned to look at me sadly.

"I can't fit through the window, Clara. It's too small. You need to go before they find out," He said, looking at me sadly with his viridescent eyes. "I'll be fine. You need to go; find an inn or something that will take you in." He searched his jacket pocket for a minute before producing a thin leather case. His psychic paper.  "Take it. Find an inn that will take you in and get out of the city fast. If the Tardis ever comes back use emergency protocol 712." I involuntarily reached out and grabbed the paper without thinking. 

"I'm not leaving you here," I said, my voice strained.

"Yes. You are," The Doctor's voice said firmly. One of the faint flickers of light began to grow closer.

"Who's there?" A male voice called through the darkness. Fear gripped the Doctor's eyes as he reached for my hand, giving it one last squeeze before whispering, 

"Run." Tears pooled in my eyes as I realized what this meant. I knew the Doctor could find his way out of almost any situation, but he had played at deaths door one too many times. What if this was the time he wouldn't make it? Could he regenerate? Even if could, he'd be different, changed. I swallowed, my eyes glassy as the light keep on approaching menacingly. 

"I love you," I whispered before slipping silently away into the darkness, running as fast as I could once out of hearing range of the guard. He'd be fine. He had to be.


I watched as Clara's hand slipped away from mine, my eyes wet with unshed tears. She'd better take care of herself. Then, she did the unexpected. She mouthed a simple 'I love you' making her departure even harder. 

"I love you too," I whispered back, knowing she was too far away to hear me. I was going to escape. I would escape for Clara. I needed her and knowing that she at least had some feeling for me gave me all the energy I needed. The light that had been illuminating the darkness stopped in front of the window, it's blazing light just inches away from my face. 

"What's all this?" A scruffy man asked, looking to be in his late 40s. He had fading dirty brown hair and a unclean, unkempt beard. Dressed in an official looking uniform that overall defied his appearance, I knew immediately that he was a guard. The man bent down to the ground to pick up the rusted bars that had once been firmly set in the stone of the window. He held the bars up to his eyelevel, a sneer turning up his face. "So one of ya' got away did they?" He smirked at my expression. "Don't worry, we'll soon fix that. The girl...Clara, wasn't it? Well, let's just say she'll wish she'd stayed in her cell by the time I'm done with 'er" The man laughed evilly at the anger that played across my face.

"Don't you dare touch her!" I seethed. "If I find even one hair on her head harmed, I will hold you personally responsible, understand?" The man laughed again, showing off his yellowed crooked teeth. 

"An' yer sure one to talk, eh!" He said, laughing heartily. I growled, wishing he would step a few feet closer so I could show him what all my talk was leading up to. "Once I spread the news, the Queen will have thousands of 'er soldiers combin' the whole land for yer precious girl. That's the price you pay when yer stickin' yer nose where it don't belong." The man smiled a chilling smile again before turning to fade away in the darkness from whence he came, no doubt to raise the alarm. My suspicions had proven to be correct, meaning the queen would waste no time in destroying her secret along with Clara and I. That meant I had limited time. It was time to get to work. 


 I had slowed my pace to a brisk walk as I darted through the streets of London, jumping at each shadow I encountered. I still had a long while before I would hit the country side, giving me plenty of time to worry and reflect. I hadn't meant to say it out loud. Something about the whole situation had broke my resolve, and those three words I had been longing to say for quite sometime now were out in the open, leaving me exposed and frightened. I wished there had been time to watch his reaction, gauge his feelings towards me...well, not there were any feelings between the two of us. Our relationship was purely platonic, and the Doctor had never made any move to change that fact. My feelings were probably one-sided anyway, but I couldn't help but cling to the small ray of hope that maybe...maybe, he might reciprocate those feelings as well. I wondered briefly how he would react to my words after this whole ordeal was over. That is, if we managed  to stay alive for that long. The Queen had been acting strangely for weeks now. I had been having a perfectly normal ( and boring) Sunday afternoon when a bloke claiming to be from a place called Torchwood had called. He'd asked in a rakish way if I had any plans for the rest of the day, his face lighting up when I said no. He'd more or less dragged  me to his car and taken me to the Torchwood institute before dropping me off, telling me my mission would be explained later. He'd then driven off, muttering something about taking the day off with Gwen. I'd gone inside and been told about the situation at hand. History was in a state of flux around this time point. It was my job to figure out the cause. I used a Vortex Manipulator to travel back in time, smuggling my way into court by playing the role of a lesser noble. The Doctor's sudden arrival had thrown me off a bit; his mere presence was enough to distract me. The way his fluffy brown hair swayed slightly with the movements of his head. The way his deep green eyes twinkled as they stared right into my soul, and his lips...I shook my head. I was not even going to start thinking about that right now. As much as I wan't to analyze everything that had happened in the last few hours, the Doctor had been right, I needed to focus. I needed to keep my attention fixed on the task at hand. I needed to survive.

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