Miss Amelia Pond

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A/N-An AU where Amelia Pond ends up going with the Doctor on a trip before he leaves her.

 "I've got to get back in there. The engines are phasing. It's going to burn!" He said, frantically running out to the garden. Amelia watch him run back the way he came, following him along curiously.  
"But it's just a box. How can a box have engines?" She asked, brushing a bit of fiery red hair from her face, thinking back to everything she'd learned in school. Boxes were inanimate. Boxes did not move on their own.
 "It's not a box. It's a time machine," The strange man with the raggedy blue suit and messy brown hair explained, peering down into his box. 
"What, a real one? You've got a real time machine?" She asked eagerly, the stories and books she'd both read and told immediately coming to mind.
"Not for much longer if I can't get her stabilized. Five minute hop into the future should do it," He said, running his fingers through his unruly dark hair in frustration.
"Can I come?" She asked eagerly, the promise of excitement and adventure beckoning.  
 "Not safe in here. Not yet. Five minutes. Give me five minutes, I'll be right back," he promised, still waving away some of the tendrils of smoke that drifted from the opening of the big, blue box.
"People always say that," She said forlornly, still set on getting her way.  
 "Am I people? Do I even look like people? Trust me. I'm the Doctor," He said, jumping into the smoking box, gripping the ledge of the doorway tightly with his hands. Amelia nodded in agreement, secretly planning to come along anyway. She watched as he dropped down into the unknown depths of the time machine before following, carefully jumping down, only to be surprised when she landed right side up, surrounded by a grunge themed, circular room. It struck her suddenly that the room was bigger than the box had appeared to be but she shrugged it off, caring only to stare at the odd man in front of her. The mad man she had met not even half an hour earlier stood racing around the center tubing, pressing buttons and pulling levers hurriedly, completely oblivious to her presence. The red headed girl started with a slight jump as the door behind her slammed shut with a thud as a whooshing sound filled the air, lights flashing and a low whistle blaring repeatedly. Amelia grabbed on to the tall and deformed pillars in front of her as she was flung forward. She closed her eyes tightly, holding on for dear life as the room continued to shake and smoke. She opened her dark murky hazel eyes as the shaking stopped, glancing up at the disheveled man staring down in shock at her.

"How did you get here?" He sputtered, holding her gaze with his own for a fraction of a second before sighing heavily, running his fingers through his long hair. He paused for a moment at the ends, tugging on them with a frown.

"Well this is going to take some getting used to," He muttered before returning his attention to the girl in front of him. "You might as well say it; they all say it eventually."

"Say what?" Amelia asked, blinking innocently. The Doctor looked at her incredulously, his frown deepening.

"The part about the bigger on the inside...Oh, it's no fun if I say it! You aren't the least bit surprised? Aren't you even just a little bit curious? No? Come on, work with me here!" He pleaded, watching as she gazed up at him with an odd look of amusement on her face. 

"You're funny," Amelia laughed watching as the Doctor sighed in frustration.

"Right then! I can't risk another trip in the Tardis right now, so you'll have to come with me" He clapped his hands together, a smile widening across his face as he walked past her to the door, motioning for her to step out before him. Shutting the door firmly, he once again turned to Amelia, an odd attempt at a stern look replacing his smile. "Whatever you do, stay by me and don't get lost, alright?" He asked, bending down to look her in the eye. Amelia smiled brightly, nodding with little dimples. He took her smile as an answer, pushing the doors in front of them open with a dramatic flare, to reveal...A giant salt shaker? Amelia felt her smile widen as she looked at the huge bumpy metal can in front of her, about to step forward when the doors slammed abruptly closed just as an odd shot like noise sounded. She looked up at the Doctor, surprised to see his face contorted with what looked like worry. 

"Amelia..." He trailed off warily, bending down to face her. "What I am about to do is very, very dangerous and could end very, VERY badly; do you understand?" Amelia nodded, eyes wide with expectation. "The creature outside..."

"You mean the salt shaker?" She asked, her thick Scottish accent sounding loudly throughout the room. 

"No, that creature outside is one of the most deadly...No, the most deadly weapon in the universe. It will not hesitate to kill you in one...ahem...Never mind that, yes. The salt shaker," The Doctor confirmed, stopping short with his lengthy and rather morbid explanation. "Anyways, we need to get out of the Tardis for a bit so she can reset; she won't be able to fly until she does that; meaning we have to get out of here. Most people would say it's hopeless but that's what I am: the defeater of hopeless. I am the lord of hopelessness, the king of Hoplaindia...never mind-forget I said that! New tongue and mouth and all, still getting used to using words and such. I'm never quite sure how it'll turn out when I start a sentence; the words kind of just flow into a sentence. Can words do that? Now that is something I'd like to know..."

"Doctor!" Amelia's voice cut off his ramble, her annoyance coming through clear as day. "You said we had to leave. How are we going to do that if you keep taking?" 

"Right then. Sorry; let's hope the rambling isn't a permanent feature. Where was I? Oh! Right! So! Amelia-I am going to open those two doors again alright?" Amelia nodded again, gazing at the two wooden doors with seemed to be doing a remarkably good job of keeping the salt shaker  out. "When I do, you need to run; anywhere you can, as fast as you can, never looking back. If I'm lucky-I should be able to trap the Dalek-I mean...salt shaker in here. When the Tardis resets she gets rid of anything I don't like and let me just tell you, I most definitely do not like that thing outside those doors." The Doctor raced around the console to pull up a small rectangular compartment, the sound of clanging metal filling the room as he rummaged through the space, throwing all sorts of odds and ends over his shoulder until her finally found what he was looking for. He turned the cylindrical piece of metal in his hands, rubbing a bit of the metal with his sleeve as if trying to polish it.

"Doesn't the salt shaker...or what did you call it? Dalek? Have one of those too?" Amelia asked curiously. 

"Yep; except it's is still wired into it's mainframe. I'm sure the Tardis will fix that though, won't you old girl?" He asked, giving the console a pat. "It's time we gave him a taste of his own medicine; this won't kill it, it will only stun it, but the Tardis will do the rest. Remember- Run; find shelter and don't talk to anyone until I come find you." He walked to the door, motioning her over. 




Three!" He flung the doors open wide. "RUN!" He shouted and she took off running, deep into the inky black night.

A/N-Hello everyone! So I'm finally back and ready to keep writing! I apologize if this one shot went a bit out of character or anything as I'm still trying to improve my writing skills as much as I can. So first off, I have a few main things to say/ask:

1. If you would like a continuation of this story please make sure to comment below, other wise I will not be writing a second part to this; I love a good cliff hanger.

2. I've decided to leave my author notes at the bottom of the page from now on as it's not really fair to you guys to ask for votes and such before you've even read the story. 

3. Do you think I should have a specific day of the week that I update every week? If so, let me know down in the comments.

4. As usual, if you liked the story go ahead and give it a vote and feel free to comment! 

Ok...yep. That's it for now...Bye everyone!

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