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A/N- So this is just a very short passage, it doesn't even necessarily have to do with Doctor who. It's just another rainbow that I came up with. A very sad, lonley rainbow. 

You raced after him, a flurry of enthusiasm whirling around you. He was here. HE was actually here. You slowed to a halt just as he did, hoping he would notice you. He turned around, facing you, but much to your disappointment, he looked right through you. Your heart pounded faster as you felt his gaze rest on you for a minute. Your shoulders slumped as a girl about your age skipped over to him, chatting up immediately. You wished you were brave enough to do that. They clearly knew each other, but were they together?  You inched closer to him, trying to look inconspicuous while hoping he would suddenly turn and recognize you. He didn't. Your friends swirled around you, teasing you and making faces while his head was turned. They knew; you had told them how you felt in a rush of drunken giddiness. You decided to attempt a conversation with the girl standing next to him, who you also happened to know. You could at least try to find out what their relationship was before you dived into the deep end.

"Hi Clementine!" You in an overly cheerful voice. Clementine turned in your direction to see who it was. Her smile faltered considerably when she saw it was you.

"Oh...Hi," She responded, her voice strained. She turned her back to you before you could get another word out. You humphed a little, too excited at how close you were to him to be mad or upset for long. You moved away from Clementine to stand right next to him under the pretense of wanting a better view. Which you did. Of him. In fact, you were rather enjoying the view. You felt a blush creeping up your cheeks, turning your face bright red at your thoughts. You cursed yourself inwardly. You wanted to come off as casual at first, not completely head over heels in love. It had been a few months since you'd seen him and ever since you'd stopped traveling with him you'd never really had an excuse to see him. You bit your full lip, hoping he'd hurry up and notice you. You took a deep breath, shoring up your courage. If he wouldn't talk to you, you'd strike up a conversation with him. You turned just in time to see him grab Clementine's hand and begin to run. A flash of jealousy surfaced from the back of your mind. You remembered when he'd done that with you. Grabbed your hand and whispered "Run", ultimately leading you on your next adventure. You stayed where you were, not wanting to seem stalkerish. A few minutes later they returned, panting hard. What had they been doing?  (Hi justsomerandomship here! Follow  me. Just do it. DON'T LET UR DREAMS BE MEMES thx ;))) People didn't breath that heavily after running around for a few minutes. Something else was going on. You tried to make a few deductions, failing miserably. You walked over to your friend, accidentally brushing past him as you went. He turned, his eyes void of any recognition. Your breath caught at his stare and time seemed to slow. You were sure that those empty void eyes would soon fill with warmth and recognition the moment he saw you. But they didn't. 

"Oh, sorry," He said before turning back around, shutting you out of his world once again. He'd forgotten you. He didn't even know who you were. He'd seen you; but not really. You hung your head slightly, surprised how he could just forget like that. You might as well go now. You made your way through the crowd, feeling heartbroken and dejected. You stopped at the door to turn and get one last glance of the man you had come to love. The man who had been missing from your life for so long who had now finally come back, only not for you. You opened the door and stepped out of the bright warm room that swirled with happiness and laughter into the dark, bitter cold outside. The wind howled its pity to you while the rain continued to beat down mercilessly. You walked away, head down as the tears that had been pooling in your eyes began to fall in sync with the rain so there was no distinction between the two. You were alone now. You didn't even have something to secretly hope for anymore. He had forgotten you; it was time you did the same. You sobbed softly, knowing you would never be able to forget him. He was the only one. You thought back to the years past of how you had talked, laughed and smiled together. You thought back on all the memories you'd made, all the marks you'd left on the world together. It was all gone now. You were just a shadow, solitary and ignored.

Just a whisper in the crowd,

a fragile piece of glass.

Quiet while they're loud,

a ghost of memories past.

A shadow in the dark,

a solitary tear.

A faded blurry mark,

soon to disappear.

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