Mr. Alarm Clock

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A/N: This is a request done for @Emily9565 As always,  I hope you enjoy! Keep the requests coming!! I love writing stuff for you guys!

"(Y/N)...(Y/N)..." A soft voice cut through your warm and fluffy dream. You smiled peacefully, rolling over in your nice, soft friendly bed and relaxed once again. "(Y/N)!" The same voice whined, this time more urgently. You frowned, the annoying sound disturbing your much needed rest. You mumbled something indistinctly before deciding to ignore the cursed voice in favor of doing something better; going back to sleep. "Wake up!!" You jumped, sitting up to find the Doctor standing beside your bed, looking rather pleased with himself. You groggily realized that he was fully dressed, bowtie and all. 

"No," You moaned, laying back down on the pillow and closing your eyes. He was not about to ruin another morning by dragging you off at some god forsaken hour to see the universe! 

"Come on!!Pleaaaaaase?" The Doctor begged, continuing his annoying puppy dog act. "Pretty pretty please with a Jammy Dodger on top?" 

"Go away!" You yelled into your pillow, spitting out a stray strand of (H/C) hair out of your mouth as you did. Mornings were definitely not your style.  

"Please? I'll let you fly the Tardis; you can even choose where we go," He pleaded. 

"I said get out!" You screamed in exhaustion, the sound infinitely muffled by your wondrous pillow. You closed your eyes again as the sound of footsteps trailing away reached your ears, followed by a blissful silence. You closed your eyes and promptly fell back asleep.


Your sleep was once again interrupted however by a loud clang, splash and then "oomph!" much to your increasing irritation. You yawned sleepily and sat up again, your vision a bit better now that it was a bit later in the morning...although 7:00 was still much to early for you to be bothered with getting out of bed. You blinked, your (E/C) eyes unsure of what they were seeing. The Doctor lay sprawled across the floor of your room, completely drenched in water, a large metal pail off just to the left of him.

"Stupid malfunctioning bucket," He muttered, slowly getting to his feet, shaking his hands in an attempt to  rid them of some of the water. he bent down and picked the bucket up, his hair slumping down in his face awkwardly. he growled in frustration, pushing the soaking wet strands of hair out of his face as he stalked stiffly out of the room, a squelching noise following after each step. You smiled before deciding to make a visit to your old friend the pillow. You let out a content sigh; The Doctor wouldn't bother you anymore, he'd learned his lesson.


About fifteen minutes later you woke up to the feeling of your mattress being moved; sitting up, you felt the mattress lift about an inch into the air before it came crashing down, sending the Doctor to the floor once again. He sat up, brushing off a completely different suit coat than the one he had been wearing earlier before straightening his  bright red bowtie.

"Blast this stupid mattress! It must have broken a spring or something!" The Doctor cursed, rubbing his neck awkwardly as he looked up at you, who was now sitting up in bed, very much awake and very angry. When you got your hands on him you were going to strangle him with his own bowtie...well, as soon as you decided to get up that was.

"Doctor, I am going to give you one more chance; if you try to make me get up again I swear that I will hand you over to the Cybermen myself on a silver platter!" You screeched, wondering why it was that you never seemed to get enough sleep...oh yes, the Doctor never let you.

"But (Y/N)...You're already awake...can't you please just get up?" The Doctor asked, shifting to his knees on the ground, biting his lip with big doe eyes. "Pleaseeee? Just this once?" You scoffed and laid back down again.

"No." You let out a sigh of victory as you heard his footsteps once again retreat from your room.


"(Y/N)...(Y/N)..." The same soft voice from an hour earlier whispered into your ear, his breath tickling your ear. You smiled faintly; you were asleep and dreaming again. Finally! "WAKE UP RiGHT NOW THERE'S DALEKS ABOARD!" The voice screeched loudly in your ear. You jumped out of bed in a panic, looking around the room wildly for a place to hide. Your frantic gaze landed on the Doctor, looking very smug and happy. It took a minute to connect what had happened in your brain, your face turning stormy as you realized he had won. Your (E/C) eyes narrowed, ready to kill. The Doctor's smile faltered a bit as he began to recognize the look of malice on your face, sheer terror taking over his. 

"Now (Y/n)...let's be reasonable here..." He stuttered, backing away from you ever so slowly, his hands held up defensively.

"Reasonable? Reasonable? You bastard I'll show you reasonable! You woke me up and made me get up!! When I get my hands on you..." You stepped forward threateningly as the Doctor jumped, sprinting away out the door. You were close behind, your mind already jumping ahead to what you were going to do to him once you'd caught up. Oh sweet revenge... You smirked; it was time for another regular morning aboard the Tardis.

A/N:Heyyyyy! I actually finished something on time! Round of applause me! *claps for myself* *silent audience* No? Okay. I just want to thank you guys so much for being so patient with me and for actually reading this! Ive got about 2k reads now and that make me so happy! thank you guys sooooo much! I'd be lost without you. As I said in the last chapter, I'm still planning on publishing another chapter Sunday; however, any requests I get will take 1st priority. Please remember to vote and comment! I love to hear from you guys; you give me needed feedback and make me laugh! Thanks so much guys!

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