The 3 Times He Saved Her and the One Time He Didn't

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Assassin AU in which the Doctor is a secret agent working for the Bad Wolf Corporation. His task? Kill Rose. The only problem? He's not sure he can anymore.

The first time he saved her was an accident-he had no idea what she was about to do to his life.

It was too early for this. If there was one thing he hated, it was early morning missions. He sat on the park bench, hunched over his coffee, as he scanned the targets profile. 

{Rose Tyler. Age 19. Blonde hair, brown eyes, average height.} No picture was included. He read the next line. {Occupation: waitress of the Time and Space Cafe} What could someone so insignificant have done to earn a target? He shrugged the thought off. He wasn't in the habit of questioning orders. He pulled straightened his pinstriped suit and quickly closed the folder as a girl approached his bench, ignoring him completely as she sat down with her drink, set her cream duffle bag down and pulled out a book. He glanced over curiously, noting that the blond was reading "A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court." She glanced up and caught his gaze, giving him a slight smile before returning to her book. He glanced behind her, just in time to see a sniper pointed their way from behind a tree. He cursed under his breath as his instincts took over and he grabbed the girl next to him, diving just as a shot rang out. She let out a gasp, as he stood up, yanking her by the hand and taking off down the street. 

"Where are we going?" She shouted. "Who are you? I don't even bloody know you?" He grinned and looked back at her as they rounded an alley corner. 

"You get shot at and that's the first thing you ask?" He imagined he could see her stuttering to find an answer during the few seconds of silence before she responded,

"It seems like a fair question!" He turned around, slowing to a halt. They were far enough away that it was safe to take a breather. "If you must know, I'm the Doctor." 

"The Doctor? Doctor Who?" She asked. "That's not an actual name." She said, leaning against the alley wall to catch her breath. Her hazel eyes sparkled.

"Just the Doctor. And who are you? You must be someone pretty important to be hunted by the mob." Her eyes widened a bit at this. 

"My name is Rose...and do you mean to tell me they were after me?" Rose...Coincidence was a funny thing. 

"Well they certainly weren't shooting at me," The Doctor replied indignantly. "If I were you I'd leave town immediately. Go on a quiet vacation. Disappear for a few months. The Cybermen are lazy; consider yourself lucky. They'll only be on the look out for you for a couple months." Rose glanced at him nervously, biting her lip absentmindedly. Something suddenly dawned on her as she jumped back, eyeing him suspiciously. 

"How do you know all that? How did you even know I was about to get shot?" The Doctor ignored her question in favor of grabbing her wrist and pulling her out of the alley to the sidewalk. He looked both ways before hailing down a Taxi. He opened the door for her, gesturing her inside. Rose looked at him expectantly. 

"Disappear." He said sternly before closing the cab door. "To the airport." He told the driver. "she can't miss her flight." He pulled out his wallet and handed the driver a 20. Keep the change. With that, the taxi sped off, with Rose glaring at him out the window. The Doctor sighed and walked back the way he'd come. He'd left his briefcase by the bench...not that it would still be there when he got back. 

after a few blocks, he reached the park, and was pleased to find that his stuff had gone well as hers. Carefully, he picked up her book and dusted it off, unzipping her bag to put it back in. Something at the very top caught his attention. An apron. He pulled out the deep blue piece of cloth, almost dropping it as he read the words embroidered on the front. Time and Space Cafe. He shoved it back in the bag, ignoring a folder similar to the ones he often received. besides that the bag had little more than a pocket knife, some bobby pins, tennis shoes and red lipstick. He was slipping. Gathering his stuff along with hers he set off back to his apartment, preparing himself for his superiors' disapproval when he informed them that Rose Tyler wasn't going to be found any time soon...The airport was mere minutes away. Security was lax. Rose Tyler was probably already on a plane. ]

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