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A/N- So I'm really bored right now so here is another really short story. If you like it if you could please give it a vote or comment I'd really appreciate the feedback.

Tears fall down her cheeks in perfect crystalline drops, the sole light over her head Illuminating the glassy diamonds that cling to her cheeks. Her sea gray eyes cloud with confliction and pain as she watches the scene in front of her unfold. Her ragged breath fills the haunting silence in short bursts, the burning inside of her threatening to tear her heart asunder. She watches as he turns his face towards the camera, His imagine though distorted, still unmistakeable. She watches through her blurry lense as his sky blue eyes glance at the glass one last time, staring through the screen to penetrate her very soul. She takes a shaky breath, her whole body awash with an innumerable multitude of emotions. She allows the confusion to consume her, frantically trying to stop him through the screen. Her screams ring silently through the room, drowned  out by the heavy silence that presses down upon her to smother any warning she might try to give him. Her silent pleas for his life go unheard as she tries to cry out, the force in the room still masking her feeble entreaties. She shakes her head, her mouth dry at the prospect of what she knows will come next. She watches as he gives the camera a weak smile and with a small wave of his hand, the screen goes blank. She lets her tears pour out now, the roaring waterfall no longer controlled by her. She lets her head go limp as her short brown hair falls around her grief stricken face to veil it. She crumbles to the ground as the burning that has nearly driven her mad  unleashes itself into the open air, her throat throbbing as she tries to scream again. Nothing could ever describe this pain...this torture...this agony. If she had only been smart enough and kind enough he would still be here. She reaches out half heartedly to the screen as if her regret and sorrow are enough to bring him back. Her red face falls again as the realization sinks in; he's gone.

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