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She let out a gasp as the air was slowly sucked from the room. Her head fell limp against her chest, her golden red locks drooping in defeat. She held back her sobs, letting the shock take control of her body as she drew her knees to her chest, taking in short sharp intakes of air in an attempt to save oxygen. She felt the tears that had once threatened to take over her eyes recede as the sterile chilling numbness set in.  In their place she felt a crazed grin take over as she tried to hold back hysterical laughter. The harshly lit chamber around her was slowly being decompressed. In a few minutes, she would be dead. There wasn't anything funny about that was there? She bit down on her tongue to keep herself in check. This was poetic justice at it's best. She deserved her fate; what better way to way to serve it than with some nice sensory deprivation? Time froze as her entire life story flitted through her head, leaving her with no doubt. Yes. This was her own fault, all the way through.  she could have fought harder, faster. she could have been better. A shudder crept down her spine as she remembered his face.  The face she had tried so hard to push back into the deepest recesses of her mind. Her one and only. Her mad man. Her Doctor. Another wave of blissful, haunting numbness hit her as her vision dimmed a bit. If she had only realized what life would be like without him...She would have gave herself in his place.

"Azalea?" She looked up, The fading image of him in her minds eyes, his every so faint frame surrounded with light. She looked up through her long lashes, heart retching remorse tearing through her self deception, breaking through every last fail safe she had placed around her mind, melting every last bit of her delusional elysium. 

'I'm so sorry' She pleaded with his crystalline frame, staring into his dark eyes as she tried to express her feelings. Of course, practically speaking, it was a bit difficult to do considering that he was dead and that she was merely thinking. 

She took another quick breath in, starting to feel light headed. She was so tired, tired of staying awake, tired of staying alive. she looked back towards him, watching his sad eyes beckon her.

"Azalea why won't you come with me? Don't leave me." His voice called to her as he stretched an arm out toward her, the promise of forgiveness and love showing plainly upon his face. She closed her eyes, and his voice abruptly cut off as she tried to catch her breath. "Sorrel I love you" He drew her in with his words, lightly brushing a hand through her hair in longing. The light around her grew fuzzier as she struggled to keep her eyes open, to keep breathing. it would be so easy to give in, to be with him again. All she had to do was sleep. 

"Azalea..." His voice echoed through her mind as she fell in and out of consciousness, allowing the darkness to sooth her soul. A faint smile graced her chapped lips as she drifted off into the endless black for the last time, her last breath still hovering in the air as she floated away to meet her lover one last time.


A/N: I'm not entirely sold on this one but I decided to publish it anyway because it's probably the last thing i'm going to be publishing for a while. With school starting, life is going to get even more hectic. I started an English class so I already do a lot of writing for the class, which pretty much leaves me exhausted afterwards. However, If you would like to make a request, I will write it as quickly as I can. I'm kind of out of ideas right now so If you have an idea then I would happily write about it anytime. Thank you guys so much! 

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