Not To Hurt You

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Through all her ups and downs, the ghosts always seemed to haunt her, relentlessly reminding her of all the times she had gone wrong. She sighed sadly, watching the sparse crowd walk through the dusk carelessly, the grey sky blurring everything together. She couldn't seem to remember the last time the world hadn't been colored in varying shades of black and white. Since she'd fallen from the grace of the skies, time had become boring-straight and repetitive. If this is what it felt like to be normal, than she didn't want it. She found herself wishing, longing for the days when she was in constant peril, always running, never looking back. But the pain had finally caught up to her-hollowing her insides and turning the world to ash. The Doctor closed her eyes, holding her tea closer to her in the vacant cafe, struggling to find just a spark of warmth. There was none. 

The bells rang above the door to the lonesome room, announcing another's presence. The Doctor's eyes snapped open, perusing the new comer. She was short, with long hair and a round friendly face. She looked...familiar... The Doctor blinked and suddenly the girl was standing right in front of her, watching her expectantly. The Doctor looked around, confused. 

"Can I help you?" The girl smiled.

"I saw you while I was passing looked... sad," The girl explained, her glowing eyes filled to the brim with compassion. The Doctor gaped for a minute, unable to explain why the empty cavern in her chest was suddenly flooded with grief, drawn inexplicably to the girl standing in front of her. Images flashed before her, fading before she could grasp at them. Lost. The word surfaced at the front of her mind. Something had been lost...something important. The revelation startled the Doctor, knocking her back into the real world. She cleared her throat, the awkward silence weighing down on her like a solar system. 

" just remind me of someone I used to know. I'm the Doctor." Her hand shot out, pulled like a magnet to this stranger before her. The girl's smile faded, the compassion in her eyes being replaced with something else. Fear? Disbelief? Pain? It was hard to say. 

"I'm Clara. " She said, tears pricking her eyes now. "Clara Oswald." And suddenly the world came crashing down upon the Doctor, color bursting through the room. The hollow in her chest was suddenly brimming with turmoil, happiness, longing, regret. It was like a wall inside of her mind had been smashed, the dam to on her heart finally lifted. the memories swirled through her, a million different glances, the way Clara smiled, the way she laughed, the way she cried. Every thought and dream brought to life in vivid color flashing by. And then the doctor felt a different pang in her chest. One that pushed her to her feet straight into Clara's arms, ready to be held, to feel safe and wanted. Tears flowed freely between the two as time passed endlessly  in each other's embrace. 

"I've been looking so long...Trying to remember even the slightest bit about you  and now here you are. With me," the Doctor sobbed, the sorrow in her voice clear as day. She buried her face in Clara's neck. "You're here. You're here. I'm so sorry." 

"You don't need to be sorry," Clara whispered, tugging her arms around the Doctor even tighter. "There was nothing you could have done." The Doctor slumped against her chest, breath ragged and uneven from exhaustion and emotion.

"I never meant to hurt you...I'm so so sorry. Please forgive me." Clara simply held her steadily, lifting the Doctor's face to her own, hand on her cheek. 

"I know. I'm here now and I know." and with that, she closed the distance between them, lips brushing ever so lightly together. 

A/N: Heyyyyyyy So I finally wrote something again! I'm afraid that this one moves a bit fast...and I can't say that it will even make sense to anyone else but me. I wrote this on the premise of the 13th Doctor as we last saw her, falling from her Tardis to earth. In my mind, she loses her Tardis and is stranded on earth for years before she meets Clara again. (I'm going off of the idea that she still doesn't remember get the idea) As always, if you enjoyed, please feel free to give this a vote or comment! If you have any ideas or requests for my next story please DM me! I love hearing your ideas!

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