1 - sorrow

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I walk my bike out to the road, looking up and down before I start to ride it. Every place in Hawkins reminds me of her. The junkyard reminds me of her. The four of us still lay flowers where we found her, even though Will never met her. But she saved his life. Every time I see the Department of Energy, I start to shake. And don't even get me started on the school.

The cafeteria makes me feel like crying, and that classroom makes me feel even worse. Her last words were "Goodbye, Mike." I can't help but feel like I was something to her. More than a friend. But I guess I'll never know.

I stare at the road in front of me, not looking up, on the edge of breaking out in tears. Every night, she's in my dreams and nightmares. Because she's always in my thoughts. Dustin shows up on a side road, grinning at me. 

'Mike? Are you okay?' he asks. I nod, blinking a few times.

'I know you miss El. But she saved our lives. The Demogorgon could have killed us. She's our hero,' Dustin says.

I nod. 'I know. But I can't stop thinking about her.'

'Me neither. She was awesome.'

'Not like that.' It's been a year. I haven't told him yet. But he's one of my best friends. 'She was my first kiss.'

Dustin slows down, his jaw wide. 'What?'

I nod shyly. 'Before Eleven was gone.'

'Oh my god.' Dustin covers his mouth.

'I'm sorry I didn't tell you before.'

'Why didn't you trust us?'

'Lucas made fun of me for liking her. He knew I did. I never told him though. Nancy knew. I thought it was obvious I liked her the whole time.'

'Yeah. I walked in on you the first time you tried to kiss her. I just didn't think you guys actually kissed.'

'Shut up.' I speed up and pedal down the road.

He catches up to me, shouting my name. We meet Lucas and Will in front of Will's house, and I slow to a stop. 'Hey guys.' I smile.

'Hey, did you all know that El was Mike's first kiss?' Dustin asks. I turn around and sigh.

Lucas shakes his head, his eyes wide. 'Really?' 

I nod tiredly. 

Will smiles. 'Mike? With a girl?' he says.

I roll my eyes, grinning. 'Totally unknown, I know.'

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