13 - chill

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The next day, El walks to school  with us, because Joyce said that the doctor told her she needs to have more blood circulation.

When we turn the corner to school, Joyce is standing in front of her car, looking at her watch. El starts walking towards her, when she gets stopped by Brandon, one of Troy's friends. A kid with wavy blonde hair and blue eyes that only seem menacing towards anyone of the male gender.

You know when your heart flutters, but it can only mean something's terribly wrong and nothing's going your way? Yeah, it's a familiar feeling right now.

'Hi,' he says. 'What's your name?' 

'El,' she says, stepping back.

He grins. 'No need to be scared, El. I'm Brandon.' He steps closer, and I rush forward.

'I'm sorry, El was just about to leave,' I interrupt.

Brandon raises an eyebrow, scoffing. 'Are you her mom?'

'No. That is,' I say, pointing to Joyce, who still hasn't seen us.

He turns. 'No, that's Will's crazy mama.'

I shove him in the chest, sending him back a couple of steps. 'She isn't crazy. She adopted El. Do you have no respect for anyone?'

He puts his hands in the air, stepping back. 'Chill. I didn't know that.' He looks at El. 'I'm sorry. I'll see you around?'

She nods confusedly and I shake my head. 'No, she won't.'

Joyce starts walking towards us, seeing us finally. Brandon walks away and us four boys walk the other way, sighing.

I stand in front of my locker pulling my books out, and suddenly it slams on my shoulder. I look up to see Brandon staring at me.

'What's up with you and El?' he asks.

I sigh. 'If I tell you, will you stop bothering both of us?'

He nods grudgingly.

'She's...sort of my girlfriend. And I don't want you hitting on her because she's a bit simple and she won't understand it. What I'm saying is that she's the only person that likes me, and she just came back after going away for a long time and-'

'Stop. It's okay. I can always find another girl.' Brandon taps my shoulder blade and walks away.

He was nice to me?

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