6 - i remember

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We sit on a park bench together, and suddenly someone shouts my name. I turn to see Will's mom, and I tap El's shoulder.

'You remember Will's mom, Joyce?' I ask her.

She nods, and I point to her. El turns around, and beams when she sees her. Joyce runs to her, and pulls her into a tight embrace. 'Oh, baby, I'm so glad you're okay,' she whispers.  

El pulls away, smiling, and Joyce sits down on the bench next to me.
'Hi, Mike, how are you feeling? Jonathan told me you were a bit sad the other day,' Joyce asks.

'Yeah, I'm fine now,' I say, and Joyce smiles, giving my hand a squeeze. My watch beeps, and I look at my wrist. 'Oh. El, we'd better go. Nancy told me to set an alarm to come back now.'
Joyce waves and we walk away.

'You know, El, the Snow Ball's coming up soon,' I say, squeezing her hand.

She smiles. 'Snow Ball.'

'I told you about it before,' I say, 'but I'm not sure you remember.'

'I remember. School...dance,' she says. I smile at her, surprised that she remembers that moment.

I open the front door and Nancy runs down the stairs as soon as I step inside. 'I have to tell you something!' she shouts, jumping up and down.

'What?' I shout at her, and she stops jumping. 

'Okay. First, I broke up with Steve and he's totally jealous,' Nancy starts. I roll my eyes. 'And also some girl came by asking for you, Mike. She said she wanted to hang out with you.'

I raise an eyebrow. 'Who?' I ask.

'If I knew I would've said her name,' Nancy says, leaving with El. I sigh and sit in the lounge room, watching the outside world. Suddenly a girl I recognise walks up into our driveway and I run to find El for some reason.

The doorbell rings just as I find El in the basement. 'El, come with me to get the door?' I ask, out of breath.

'Why can't you just get the door?' Nancy sighs. My eyes widen and she laughs. 'Oh! Go on then, El.'

I open the door, with El standing behind me, leaning on my shoulder.

'Oh, hi Heather. What are you doing here?' I ask her.

She stares at El and clears her throat. 'I was here to ask you if you wanted to hang out together, Mike.'

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