15 - "do something"

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We arrive at the police station, and Chief Hopper stares at us. 

'Shouldn't you be at school?' he asks, looking at me first, then Nancy. 'Oh my god, Nancy. How in the hell did you get that?'

'Someone hurt me,' she says, and he gasps, pulling us into his office.

'Who was it and do you think they had a motive?' he asks.

She sighs. 'It was Steve, my ex. I broke up with him a couple of days ago, but he scratched me on my forehead on Sunday when he asked to meet up, and he did this-' she points to her chin, 'when he smashed my window about an hour ago and hit me with a baseball bat.'

'What the fuck is with that kid?' Hopper says, covering his eyes in shame. 'Okay, well, why are you here?' he asks me.

'I brought him with me. I just needed someone to be with me,' Nancy says.

'So you pulled him out of school?' 

'Y-yeah. I couldn't think straight.'

He sighs. 'You'd better get back to school, Mike.'

I head home to pick up my school bag, and ride all the way back to school.

When people ask, I just tell them I had to go with Nancy somewhere really quick.

They don't seem to believe me, and if they do, they say it was stupid to have to go home for that. It wasn't stupid, trust me.

Anything could've happened if she was alone.

When I'm walking down the halls, I see the door to Principal Coleman's office wide open, with a female voice yelling inside. I sneak a look inside and I see Heather standing triumphantly with her parents. Her mom is wearing a fancy looking pantsuit and her dad seems uncomfortable, like he has to be somewhere.

They look rich.

I overhear the words "rumour" and "my daughter doesn't deserve this" and "do something". I smirk and walk past the open door.

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