11 - rumours

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That next night, after school, I call over Lucas, Dustin, Will and Eleven to our house.

Lucas comes first, and then Dustin. Will and El come last, coming back from running errands with Joyce. Lucas and Dustin run to El, and I realise they never saw her after she came back on Friday. She hugs them tight, smiling.

'We missed you!' Dustin says.

'Yeah, we did!' Lucas says.

'I missed you too,' El says.

We sit in the living room, watching Star Wars, with all of us avidly explaining each detail to Eleven, trying not to spoil it.

Nancy comes home with Jonathan, and he smiles when he sees what we're watching.

'Ah, Star Wars. The first one?' he asks. I nod and he grins at Nancy.

'Where were you guys?' Will asks.

'Getting some photos developed,' he says, holding up a few pieces of glossy paper. 'Are you all staying here for dinner?' 

'Probably. We're ordering pizza. You can have some if you want.'

Nancy nods, and smiles at Jonathan.

They go upstairs and suddenly Lucas asks to talk to me. 

I follow him into the kitchen and he stares at me. 

'Is there something you wanna tell me? About a girl in particular?' Lucas asks.

'Who? El?' I ask.

'No. Oh my god, Mike. You thought you could hide Heather from us? She's spreading rumours about you, dude. I don't think you can just lie all the time.'

'I want to forget about it. I hate her. She manipulates people. I snapped at her because she was rude to El and to Nancy. I tried to avoid her but she's just always...there. I didn't tell you because I was over being caught up in drama.'

'I believe you. I just wish you told us. We thought you called us over to tell us, but you didn't say anything.'

'I'm sorry, Lucas. I'll tell Dustin and Will, I swear. I just don't care for this.'

After I tell them both, I sit down. 'Out of curiosity, what were the rumours about?' I ask.

'They were all different. That Heather rejected you, and that you tried to kiss her. Also that you asked her out. No one seems to believe that she liked you.'

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