16 - partners?

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I sit in my last class for the day, watching the hands on the clock tick by, inching closer to the bell every second.

My mind drifts to El, and I wonder what she could be doing at home all alone.

Suddenly I hear the word "partners", and I look up, realising I don't have anyone in this class. Until a bright haired girl with freckles sits in front of me.

'I'm Max. What's your name?' she says, holding out her hand.

I shake it shyly. 'Mike. Are you new?' I ask.

She nods, smiling. 'So we're partners?'


She turns out to be an incredibly smart person who tries talking to me every chance she gets.

'Who are your other friends?' she asks.

'Lucas, Will, Dustin and El,' I say.

'Oh, yeah! I talked to Dustin, the one with the cap, right?' she asks. I nod. 'He's super nice. He said I could hang out with you guys sometimes? I mean, like it's okay for you to say no, like, I don't wanna force my way into your friend group, I mean, I can always find other-'

'Max. I'd like you to be friends with us,' I say. Her face lights up and I smile.

I invite her to Dustin's house the next day, which is where we were going to study. Lucas goes to Will's house to pick up El, and the rest of us head to his house.

Max gawks when she gets inside, staring at all the high ceilings and big ornate door frames. 'This is so fancy.'

We all go into the dining room and I drop all my books on the table. Max drops her books next to mine and pulls out the chair.

5 minutes later, Lucas and El show up, and I open the door.

We all sit inside, talking about the most random things we can think of. Max manages to keep conversation with El, but doesn't fully understand her.

'I think there's some story behind you, El,' she says, and I exchange glances with Lucas and Dustin.

'Tell her,' Will says. 'She'll know anyways.'

So I tell her the full story, leaving out none of the details. She gasps, staring at El. 'That's so crazy.'

'You can't tell anyone,' Dustin says. She nods, zipping her mouth.

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