25 - no!

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I start shaking, and I hear the door open behind me.

I turn around to see a woman, holding the hand of the little boy I brought into our house the other day. 

The woman walks up to Dr Brenner, and kisses him on the cheek. 'Nice job, honey,' she says in a soft voice that makes me feel sick to my stomach. 

She turns to me, and raises an eyebrow. 'So you're the one that took my son. Your mom was very annoyed about it.'

I swallow. 'I-I just wanted to help him,' I say.

She rolls her eyes and turns to Dr Brenner. 'So, why am I here again?' she asks him.

'You're here to tell him about what's happened to Eleven,' he says, staring at El.

'We've taken parts of her DNA, you know. Hair, skin, fingernails and whatnot. But we need more to be able to create a clone. We need to take her.'

'No!' I shout, sobbing. El looks at me, her eyes puffy and red. 

'Mike, let them-' El starts.

'No! They're not going to take you! I won't let them!' I yell.

One of the men cocks a gun. My heart starts beating a million miles an hour. I stare at the gun, and swallow. 'She won't be much use to you if she's dead, will she?'

I scream at the top of my lungs, begging them to kill me instead. 

I hear the door open, and Mom walks into the house. She stares at everyone, one by one.

She takes a deep breath, covering her mouth.

'Get out of my house!' she shouts, louder than I've ever heard her before.

Mom looks livid, pointing to the door. 

'Don't you dare hurt these kids or so help me I will have the whole world right up your ass!' Mom yells, walking closer to me.

Dr Brenner signals to the men holding me, and I run to El. Suddenly a loud sound shakes the room and I get flung off my feet.

only fools fall for you [mileven]Where stories live. Discover now