10 - he hurt you

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*trigger warning - abuse :(*

When we arrive at Will's house, he opens the door and I rush in, explaining everything about Heather to him. He looks at Nancy, and she shrugs, following me in.

'Is Jonathan home?' she asks. Will points to the living room and she takes off her coat, looking around.

El comes into the hall, and hugs me. She goes back into her room and brings out the dress she was wearing yesterday. I take it from her hands and put it with Nancy's coat, smiling.

The three of us sit in El's room, talking for hours about any subject we can think of.

When we get home in the evening, Mom and Dad leave us with Holly to babysit while they leave to go to a , and I think its Jonathan until she mentions things not working out, and I realise it's Steve.

When she comes back, she looks flustered and worried.

'What's up?' I ask, standing up.

'What's up is that I have to go meet Steve. He wants to talk in person,' Nancy says, putting on her shoes. I walk over to her.

'He won't...hurt you, will he?' I ask timidly. She looks up, sighs and shakes her head, leaving the house.

I take a deep breath and sit back down with Holly.

When I'm in Holly's room putting her to sleep, I hear her come back quietly, and I run down the stairs, but I'm shocked to see what's in front of me.

'Hey, bro,' she says shyly.

'He hurt you,' I say, looking at the red mark on her cheek.

'I'm okay, Mike.'

'That bastard hurt you.' I walk over to her and stare at her. 'You said he wasn't going to hurt you.'

'I was wrong, okay? He isn't who I thought he was. I broke his heart, but maybe, just maybe, I didn't deserve this.' She points to her cheek.

'Oh my god, Nancy.' I wrap my arms around her and I feel her tears on my shoulder.

'What am I gonna tell Mom and Dad?' she whimpers. 'That I left you two alone to get his by my psycho ex?'

'No. Tell them you tripped on the stairs, and scratched yourself on the railing. Are you going to tell Jonathan?' I ask.

She takes a deep breath.

author's note : i loved getting all that feedback on the last chapter! i couldn't stop laughing! keep it up ily ;)

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