21 - cold eyes

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We go to school that Friday and people stare at El as she walks with us. 

I knew she'd turn heads, but I think people were more surprised that she was walking with a bunch of nerds.

I hear whispers around us and I spot Brandon. I walk closer to El and link hands with her. She smiles at me and I catch him mouthing "El?". I nod, and he grins.

I'm not really used to her with red hair. Sometimes I can't even recognise her but I always know it's the same El, not some sassy looking grungy girl I don't know.

Heather's parents walk closer to us, and her mom exchanges worried glances with her dad.

She slows down in front of El. 'Hi honey.'

El smiles, and says hello. Suddenly the woman's expression looks menacing.

'You will stay away from my daughter until the day I die, young woman, or I promise I will make your life a living nightmare,' she whispers. I stare at her, horrified.

'You're a wretch of a woman,' I say, pulling El away from her.

'Honey, she'll hurt you. You come from a good family. She clearly doesn't. You're much better off with someone more dignified, like my daughter.'

I stare into her cold eyes. 'Don't call your daughter dignified.'

I pull El along with me and catch up to Lucas, Dustin and Will.

Max jumps out of a car and runs towards us. 'El? You look incredible! When did you change so much?'

'Yesterday,' El says, smiling.

'Well, it's a really good look for you. I love it. Now we can be redheads together!' Max says.

El grins, touching her hair.

We lock our bikes into the rack and wait around for Joyce to pick up El.

Suddenly I hear people shouting my name, and I turn around to see Heather marching towards us. I never thought this many people would want to protect me.

Dustin and Lucas stand in front of El, but El squashes past them and stares Heather in the eye.

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