22 - unmistakable sound

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'Leave,' El says, staring at Heather.

Heather scoffs, trying to push past her. I tug on El's arm, praying she doesn't badly injure Heather in front of all these people. Suddenly I spot Max pushing in front of us all and standing squarely opposite Heather. 

Heather raises an eyebrow. 'Do you think you can scare me?'

She looks back at me, and I wait anxiously to see what she does. Then I hear the unmistakable sound of a slap, and then cheering. Heather runs past us, crying, and Max stares at her. People crowd around her, but she pushes away from them and runs to me, sobbing.

'Max? What's wrong?' I ask. Lucas puts his arm around her, looking concerned.

'Am I gonna get suspended?' she sobs. 

'I don't know, Max. She deserved it though,' I say.

'I've already been rejected by 14 schools in Michigan because of my violence. We moved here for a chance to start over. My family's gonna hate me.'

El touches her shoulder. 'It's okay. I'm here.'

Max beams, and starts crying again, latching onto El.

Heather and Max get called to the office in second period, and Max shudders. Heather stands up, pushes her chair in angrily and stomps down the hall.

I touch Max's arm as she walks past me, and she looks at me. I nod, and she smiles, continuing to walk away.

Max comes back, her cheeks streaked with tears, and Heather follows her into the room, her face steely and serious.

My name gets called in the scary monotone voice of the woman in the office, and I swallow, standing up shyly.

When I walk into Principal Coleman's office, he sighs. 

'It's that time of year all over again,' he says.

'Sir, what do you mean?' I ask.

'Will went missing this time last year. I can't help but think that this factors into why you're acting so oddly.'

'No, sir. Not really,' I say, swallowing. 

'Okay. So who's the girl? Short hair, grungy looking.'

I swallow. 'That's El. My...girlfriend.' 

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