5 - better than fine

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Nancy stands outside the almost closed door waiting for her to finish changing, and I stand by the hallway mirror, looking at my watch.

'Nancy?' Eleven asks from inside, and Nancy slips through the door. I don't hear anything from either of them for about ten minutes, until I hear Nancy gasp.

'El?' I ask, walking closer to the door. 'Are you okay?'

The door opens, and Nancy smiles. 'She looks amazing, Mike.'

I beam. 'Show me,' I say, pushing the door open. El turns around and smiles at me.

She looks a vision in blue, and her hair has a little braid running through it. She swishes around the skirt and I grin.

We walk downstairs to have breakfast and Mom sets a plate of waffles in front of El. I look at her, and she winks at me, placing another plate of waffles in front of me. El finishes the lot in 2 minutes, and Nancy laughs.

'So are you and Jonathan dating now?' I ask her.

'We talked on the phone yesterday, but I need to break up with Steve before I can officially call him my boyfriend,' Nancy says, smiling.

'Jonathan? Will's brother?' Mom asks from the kitchen.

She nods. 'That's okay, right? He is a good guy.'

'Yeah, yeah, it's fine. It's better than fine!'

Nancy blushes and I poke my waffles with my fork.

El and I walk to the park hand in hand, and she points at the swing, grinning. 'What is it?' she asks.

'It's a swing,' I say. 'Sit on it.' She hops on it, and I walk behind her. 'Hold on!' I say.

She grips the ropes and I push her from behind. El laughs and giggles, kicking her legs out in front of her.

'Higher?' I ask, smiling.

'Higher!' she shouts.

I push the swing one more time and she squeals and laughs, just like how a little kid would. 'This is fun, Mike!' Eleven yells, and I smile to myself.  

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