24 - sensitive

684 21 16

The weekend goes by lazily, but El doesn't pass out over the two days, so now everyone knows that somehow the bad men put it there. 

Nancy goes to another trial, with Jonathan this time, and comes home from it drained and sad.

I don't blame her, but it kills me to see her so depressed every day.

On Monday, Mom forces me to go to school, assuring me constantly that everyone will have forgotten about the whole drama. I walk up to the school door when suddenly Brandon pulls me aside.

'Heather got expelled on Friday! Where were you?' he asks.

'I stayed home. Why did she get expelled?' I ask.

'Provocation, rumours and other shit she's done in the past. This school is really sensitive when it comes to that.'

Sensitive? 'What about Max?' I ask.

'She got off with a warning. She's lucky, ain't she?' he grins.

I nod, and the bell rings. We head inside and part ways.

Max pulls me into a hug when I see her, and Will tells me that El seems to be fine. I pull away from Max, and ask if she's okay. She nods, smiling with relief.

'When will El come to school?' asks Dustin.

'Not soon. She isn't caught up yet,' Will says.

'Oh yeah,' Dustin says, looking at the ground. 'School would be awesome with her here.'

'Tell me about it,' Max says. 'Mike would love having his girlfriend around more.'

I look at Max, and she shrugs, grinning.

When I go home, I find El sitting on the stairs of the basement.

I walk over to her, and suddenly two figures jump out at me and grip tightly onto my arms.

'Let go of me!' I shout. El turns around, and starts sobbing and screaming.

Dr Brenner walks out from the kitchen, adjusting the cuffs of his suit.

'I thought you were-' I start.

'Dead? A little blood never hurt anyone. Right, Eleven?' he says in a cold voice.

She tries to reach to me, ignoring him. Two people hold her back, and I wonder why she won't use her powers. 

Dr Brenner walks over to me and leans forward to whisper in my ear.

'She's as good as dead, Wheeler.'

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