14 - baseball bat

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*trigger warning: abuse :(*

I close my locker and walk down the hall. I see Heather turning the corner, so I spin around and walk through a group of tall people.

I get to my class 10 minutes early, and I sit in my chair in the back of the class.

'Mike!' Lucas and Will shout, rushing inside, panting.

'What?' I ask.

'Didn't you hear that announcement? You have to go home,' says Lucas.


'I don't know.'

As soon as I get home and I'm about to knock on the door, it opens to reveal Nancy standing there with a large bruise on her jaw.

'Nancy! Was that Steve?' I ask.

She nods and starts to explain. 'I was sitting in my room, staying home from school because I didn't want to go on the geology field trip. Steve must've been thinking the same thing, but I don't know what came over him to climb up to my window, smash it open with a baseball bat and jump through. I tried to leave the room, but he reached forward with his baseball bat and knocked it on my jaw. Then I ran away and called your school to get you home.'

I stare at her, touching my hand on the bruise softly. She flinches and I frown. 'Why didn't you call Mom or Dad?' I ask.

'I don't...know.' She sits on the front step, and breaks down in tears. 'I don't know what to do. I can't think straight. I'm a mess. I'm a failure who can't defend herself against her ex.'

I shake my head, sitting next to her. I wrap my arms around her and rest my head on her shoulder. 'We can get him arrested, you know,' I say. 'I think you've got enough proof.'

She looks at me, nods, and stands up.

'Where are you going?' I ask.

'Police station, dumbass. You're coming.'

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