9 - a bit spooked

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Heather shows up again, and this time when she knocks on the door, I run to find Nancy because I'm too scared.

'Come on, Mike, you've been mean before! You can tell her you love El,' Nancy says, sighing. She gets up to open the door anyway.

I hide in the living room, listening in.

'Hey, Heather, right?' says Nancy.

'Yeah, did Mike tell you about me?' I struggle not to get up and close the door on her.

'Yeah, he seemed a bit spooked at the time. Why don't you tell me why you're here, Heather?'

Heather mumbles something, and then clears her throat. 'You're awfully nosy.'

'He's my brother, I just wanna know what you're here for.'

'Okay. Well, I'm here to...ask him out.'

'Oh. Oh, um, wow. That's a sweet gesture. Do you know El?' Nancy asks.

'Yeah, she was all over Mike when I came last. What about her?' Heather says, and I wait for Nancy's reply nervously.

'He likes El, Heather. And I'm so sorry, but he's just not budging on this one. He was really scared that she wouldn't like him anymore if he started talking to you, because he really loves and cares for her. They've been through a lot together. She was his first kiss. I can't put in a good word for you, because...he lives for her.'

This is when I decide to see her. I stand up and head towards the door. 'Oh, Heather. What are you doing here?' I ask innocently.

'Here to see you,' she says, on the verge of shouting. I step back. 'Only for your stupid sister to tell me you were in love with some other bitch!'

I stare at her, wondering why I didn't just go to the door myself. 'Yes, I am. I wanted to go see her now, and I'm taking my stupid sister with me. If you actually liked me, you wouldn't insult the people I love.'

Nancy picks up her coat and follows me out the door, shutting it behind her.

I storm off into the cold on the way to the Byers household, Nancy shouting my name behind me. She quickly catches up, and asks me if I feel good.

'Yeah. I feel...free.'

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