3 - reunion

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Mom's sitting on the stairs, her arm around a girl with scruffy hair to her chin, who's sitting in a blanket. Nancy's car pulls into the driveway, and I throw open the door.

'Mike?' I hear faintly.

For a moment, I'm stunned by what I see in front of me. Then she stands up and tears well up in my eyes. I run to her and throw my arms around her tightly.

'Eleven,' I whisper into her shoulder.

We go inside, her hand clasping mine tightly.

'Will she stay with us?' Nancy asks.

'Well, your father and I talked about it, and four kids will definitely be too many. Fortunately, Joyce has agreed to take her in as her own,' Mom says.

'What? I was at Will's! How come she didn't tell me?' I say.

Mom smiles. 'I thought it would be nice if you came home to a good surprise. I knew it would make you feel better.'

I lean over and rest my head on the kitchen counter to stop everyone seeing me crying uncontrollably with happy tears.

After dinner, Mom tells me that El is staying at ours for the night. We go to the basement and I set up the blanket fort properly.

'Mike,' El says, more clearly.

I turn around, smiling. 'Yeah?'

'Are you okay?' she whispers.

I can't help but smile. 'Of course I'm okay. This feels like the best day of my life! I missed you so much! Where have you been?' I say, pulling her into my arms again.

She pulls away, confused. 'Upside Down.'

'I know, I know.' I sigh, looking into her eyes.

They're dark and beautiful.

'Let's watch a movie, El.'

She nods, following me upstairs.

Surprisingly, Dad is going upstairs for the night instead of just dozing off on the La-Z-Boy. I push a cassette into the VCR and sit on the couch with El. She rests her head on my shoulder, and I smile.

About halfway through the movie, I take a deep breath.

'Do you like the movie, El?' I ask.

She doesn't respond.

'El? Are you awake?'

I turn to look at her, and her eyes are closed. I smile, but I don't move. I curl up on the arm of the couch and try to sleep through the movie.

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