4 - blue or yellow?

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I wake up to full light, to find El still asleep on my side. I hear someone coming downstairs, so I fake being asleep.

'Mike?' whispers Mom.

I don't open my eyes, and I feel something shaking my arm, and I stir, sitting up. I think I woke up El, and she sits up next to me.

'Michael! You didn't...' she starts.

'No! Mom, that's gross! I'm 14!' I snap.

'You can never be too careful,' she says, pulling me up by the arm. 'Don't do this again. Your dad will freak if he sees you two all cuddled up like that.'

'I'm sorry, Mike,' El says quietly behind me.

I turn to her, and her eyes are wide. 'No, no, El, it's not your fault,' I say.

'Don't worry, Eleven,' Mom says, smiling.

I get dressed and go to find El. 'Hey, El? Where did you go?' I shout.

'I'm up here,' she says faintly. I sigh and head back up the stairs, to see her and Nancy standing together. 

'Mike, good. We need your opinion on something,' Nancy says, pointing at me.

'Shoot,' I say.

Nancy holds up two dresses. 'Blue or yellow?' she asks, holding each one in front of El.

I scrunch up my nose to think. 'Blue.'

Nancy goes to put the yellow dress away and I stare El in the eyes, and she smiles, taking my hands. I squeeze them softly.

I don't ever want to let go of her again.  

author's note: sorry this is such a short chapter, and sorry if this is a bit slow! i just really want to make this a long fanfic :)

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