18 - trust me

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Dustin comes to school later than usual, his eyes red.

'Hey,' I say. 'Are you okay?' 

Suddenly he starts sobbing into my shoulder, mumbling something. I pull him around the side of the building and tell him to explain.

'My mom and dad don't want me to hang out with you anymore. They say I'll get some sort of disorder because of all the bad memories. I don't want to make other friends. You guys are the best friends I've ever made. You guys were the nicest when I came in fourth grade.'

'Dustin, you're not actually going to make other friends, are you?'

'I hope I don't have to,' he cries.

I fish for a tissue in my pocket and hand a clean one to Dustin. He sobs into it, and I pat his shoulder. 'It'll all work out. You won't get a disorder. You'll be okay, and we'll all stay best friends. Trust me.'

We don't speak about it all day, but I can tell Dustin is in a depressed mood all day. At lunch, he almost mentions it, but holds himself back. In fifth period, Will asks me what's up with Dustin. I hesitate, but tell him anyways. Will almost falls off his chair when he hears it.

'What do you mean, disorder?' he asks.

'Some stress disorder,' I say.

'Oh. That's horrible. It wasn't too hard on Dustin though, was it? Like I know he was close with El and that whole experience was horrible, but shouldn't you or Mom be having that sort of sickness?' he asks.

He does have a point.

When I get home, I find El at the doorstep, not moving. I kneel down and shake her arm. I notice blood dripping out of her nose, and I yell for help, holding her hand.

When someone finally comes, I start babbling, and they stare at El, shocked.

'Is she...' they start.

'No! She's not dead,' I say, sobbing. 'I don't know if she's okay.'

I unlock the door, and the man goes inside to fill up a jug of cold water. I sit down, and lay her down in my lap. I hang onto her, crying and desperately wishing she wakes up.

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