8 - mike and nancy

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Nancy asks me why I was so bubbly and happy all of yesterday, and I straight up tell her that El kissed me. She grins, and gives me a hug.

'Well, it wasn't the first time,' I say, smiling, and Nancy gasps.

'You're serious? You kissed before?' she asks, smiling. I nod, and she laughs, jumping up and down on the spot.

Someone knocks on the door, and it's Joyce with Jonathan and Will behind her. Will waves to me and I smile, waving back. El walks down the stairs and Joyce opens her arms to hug her. 'We're here to take you home now, baby,' she says, hugging El tight.

'I'm so happy to meet El!' Will says. 'We're gonna be so close!'

Nancy and I tag along to Will's house together, and I notice that there are now two smaller beds in Jonathan's room, and one bed in Will's room.

'You'll be in this room, El,' Joyce says, showing her through into what looks to now be Will's old bedroom. El sits on the bed, smiling uncontrollably. She stands up and gives Joyce, Jonathan and Will a hug.

'Thank you,' El says.

'We're your family now, El,' Jonathan says. Nancy smiles at me, pulling me to her side.

'What's family?' she asks, stepping back.

'Family means that no matter what, we love and care for each other,' Joyce says.

'You support and stand up for each other,' Jonathan says, smiling.

'You'd do anything for them,' I say, looking up at Nancy.

While El goes shopping with the Byers family for things for her room, Nancy and I go home.

'So what happened with that girl at the door?' she asks, laughing.

'I think El scared her off,' I say.

'She liked you, Mike.'

'No. Pfft. That's crazy.'

'El's into you, and she barely knows what love or attraction is. How is it that now you just won't believe another girl likes you?'

'Because, Heather isn't that type of girl. She's the type to like celebrities from TV or walk all over boys like me. Use us for her homework.'

'She might be, but remember I was like that. She could even be jealous that you like El and not her. She might think you're playing hard to get, when really, you love someone.'

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