Chapter 22

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I was nervous as hell. My son was on the way and my baby mom was looking like the devil. I speed to the hospital. I helped her walk into the hospital. She stop in the middle if the floor and seemed like she peed on her self. I looked at her like she was crazy.

"Jazz I know you pregnant and all but you are really to big for this" I whispered.

She didn't say anything she just stood there in shock. The doctors brought her a wheel chair and escorted her into a room with a huge tub. The room was dim and a couple of candles were lit.

"Miss Aku will be right with you" a thick nurse said smiling at me.

Jazz simply dismissed her. A short brown skinned woman with hazel eyes came in she reminded me of my mother.

"Okay Jazz I'm about to check your cervix you'll feel a small amount of pressure" Dr.Aku said putting two fingers in Jazz. Jazz clinched her teeth and closed her eyes tight.

"Okay your about 4 cm so you only have five more to go" she said talking off her gloves.

Jazz simply nodded.

5Hours Later......🚼

Jazz was sweating and taking deep breaths. The doctor was there it seemed like she was no help to Jazz. She just kept shushing her. Next thing I know is that the doctor stepped in the tub with Jazz.

" Okay Jazz I'm going to need you to push really hard" Dr. Aku told her.

Jazz looked at me with worry on her face. So I kissed her and held her hand. She took a deep breath and pushed. I seen my sons head; full of hair and big. Jazz pushed on more time and he was out. He started to cry. I cut the umbilical cord the doctor gave him to Jazz. He laid there all peaceful. I can't believe I have a son.

After a couple of minutes the doctor took him to the nursery. Jazz was took to recovery and she showered and put on her pajamas.

"So what we gone name him"i asked her.

"What you mean that's our son he's going to be a jr. just because we are not on good terms doesn't mean he's not yours" she explained.

She kind of crushed my feeling when she said that but I brushed it off.

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