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Hi! Wow, you've actually decided to read this. You're a freak, who reads a stranger's personal book? Are you a stalker!? Do I have to call the Wattpad police?

Chill, I'm kidding. I really appreciate you reading about my life.

Well, what do you want to know about me? Feel free to ask in the comments. I'm down to answer anything. Well, almost anything.

I love Harry Potter, Sherlock, Assassin's Creed, Soccer and most types of music.
I'll listen to anything that sounds good.

Um, I'm 16 and my birthday is on the 18th of June.

I'm single... Yeah...

I'm always open for a chat. It could be about anything really. I'm a really good chatter. And some people say I'm a good listener. Have any problems? I'll listen to them.

I'm from South Africa, and no we don't have wild animals walking on the streets. South Africa is a really cool place full of great people of all different races. That's why they call South Africa the Rainbow Nation.

Well, that's my first chapter I hope you liked it!

Well, that's my first chapter I hope you liked it!

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Eminem's my man crush 😍

Me, Myself and IWhere stories live. Discover now