It's Time

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Hi there! How're you doing? Good, I hope.

So, I've got some news for you. On this coming Monday, I'm going to tell my crush I like her.

I've finally grew a pair and I'm gonna just do it. I realised that living with not knowing if she likes me or not is way worse than me knowing she doesn't like me. Fear of not knowing is real.

So, here's my plan: After my chemistry paper on Monday, she takes a walk home. (She literally lives opposite the school, lucky her). As she walks home, I have like a 2-minute time window where I can meet with her. If I don't meet up with her before she reaches home, I'm screwed. Let's just hope I make it.

Let's say I catch up to her in time. There's a 99% chance she'll be walking with either one or two of her best friends. My plan is, while I'm a bit behind her, to call out her name. Hopefully she hears it and turns around. I'll walk towards the two/three of them.

Then, I guess I'll have to ask if I may speak to her...alone. I can bet you that her friends will giggle or something like that. They know I like her. Heck, even -she- knows I like her. Hopefully, her friends be cool and leave us alone.

Now comes the hard part, actually speaking to her. I plan to greet her with a "Hi" or "Hey". I'll then ask her how chemistry was. Then, I'll look her in the eye and say that I have something to tell her. This'll be the hard part.

"[Her name here], I need to tell you something. Something important. Something I should've told you two years ago. [Her name here], I like you. Like, 'like-like' you. I have deep feelings towards you, and honestly, I don't know why. So, [her name here], all I want to know is... How do our feel about me?" Is what I plan to say to her. It'll probably be the most difficult thing I have to di in my life, yet.

I've planned out how her response could be:

1) She says nothing.
This'll be awkward. Not to mention weird. She might just ignore me and go to her house. This is one of the worst possibilities.

2) She has a boyfriend.
To be honest, I'll feel weird. But that's okay. As long as she knows how I feel about her. I'll just tell her thank you for listening, and wish her luck for studying for the next exam.

3) She says she isn't looking for anyone to be with because she is happy being single.
I'll accept this gladly, provided she speaks the truth. This possibility wouldn't be bad at all, and I'll consider it a win.

4) She says she doesn't like me.
If she tells it to me straight, it'll hurt. A lot. I'll wonder what her reason for disliking me is. It'll eat at me constantly. It'll be bad.

5) She thanks me for letting her know this, but rejects me kindly.
I'd prefer this possibility over any other. I mean, I'll be happy, she won't be angry or anything. It'll be good.

6) She says she likes me back.
Although the chances of this are 0.0000001%, it's the best possibility of them all. I really have no idea what I'll do if she says this. I don't count on it happening though.

Well, those are six possibilities. Have any more? Drop a comment!

Honestly, I'm not scared to be rejected. As long as I get a definite answer from her, I'll be fine.

Wish me luck, and pray that I get to speak to her. Please?

I'll keep you updated.


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