Meh Nisa

82 20 94

This is about my unshy friend, she_wastaken

Well...Nisa, eh? Tbh, I don't even know how we met. But I'm really glad we did.

We spoke a lot, and we can relate to a lot of stuff too. We're around the same age (She's a year older tho *cries*), we're both Muslim, similar music tastes and a lotta other stuff.

We played 20 questions (which exceeded 20 by far) then went on daring each other. That's where my 'I'm gay' dare came from lol.

When she was sad, I tried to comfort her, although I wasn't really good at it, sorry.

She's really funny, kind and just generally a good person to be around. Plus she's pretty 0_0 (All the girls on Wattpad that I know are pretty tbh. Don't think otherwise)
She also has abs...which makes me super jealous.

She still doesn't want to give her Instagram tho -_-
But I'll get it one day lol

Hmm...what else? She's just awesome. Awesome, and not shy.

Love ya, Nisaaaaa! ❤

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