Meh Sleepover

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So, as most of you know, I've been for a sleepover at school this Friday.

All of the grade 7-11 boys attended it. It started at 6pm (we all prayed out Maghrib) then went for some lectures about university and stuff.

Then at 9pm (after we prayed Esha), we went to play soccer. Since my friend was injured, I was appointed captain of my team.

WE MADE IT TO THE FINALS!!! Somehow. Tbh, I've played the best soccer in my life that night. It was awesome, and I was tired. We lost the finals tho.

Then, at 11:30pm when everyone (except my class(the grade 11s) and the teachers) went to sleep, we began to  braai. A braai is a barbeque/grill/cooking over an open fire.

I really enjoyed braaing, so my friend and I handled all the meat. At 12:30pm, the food was ready and we ate like we never saw food before.

We also got to see the chilled, calm, soccer-loving side of our teachers. It was awesome.

Since we were the oldest grade there (and it was our last sleepover), we were allowed to bring a PlayStation to school. We stayed up and played Fifa 17 in class. It was the best thing ever!

At 5:15pm, when only four of us were still awake, we stopped playing. By now, everyone was beginning to wake up to pray Fajr. We prayed together then got a lecture and thanks and stuff.

A few people from my class, me included, stayed behind to help the teachers pack up everything.

At 7pm, I went home. I had a cup of coffee and fell asleep. I only woke up at 3pm...yea.

That's it! That was my sleepover story, hope you enjoyed it!!!


P.S. on a completely different topic, please don't ask me what size my dick is, thank you! (You know who you are)

P.S.S. Today was Chelsea vs Arsenal in the Premier League (soccer). Sadly, we drew. And my favourite player, David Luiz, got a red card. He's banned for the next three matches...

See ya! Don't forget to vote, comment and share this book with your friends!

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