What the Frick?

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So today I learnt that we live in a very dark, cruel, unfair, stereotypical world.

I've read this one article on the internet about a 16 year old boy who has been raped by one of his female teachers.
Pretty bad, right? It gets worse.

The boy told his parents what happened and they took the teacher to court. After three days of court, the judge came to a decision: THE TEACHER IS NOT GUILTY AND IS FREE TO LEAVE!

According to all of the tests they ran, they proved that the boy was indeed raped. Many of his friends vouched for him saying that the teacher always picked on him and that she called him to her class after school that day. His story checked out completely!!

According to the judge, who is a lady, the teacher will not have to pay any fines nor will she lose her job.

The judge claims that because the boy was fat he would enjoy attention of that sort. WHAT THE FRICK!? WHO THE HELL 'ENJOYS' BEING RAPED BY A TEACHER 10 YEARS OLDER THAN YOU? WHO ENJOYS RAPE!?

The judge also claims that the boy was partly guilty because he let her rape her, and that he didn't resist.
Buuut he -did- resist. There's marks and cuts on him that shows that the teacher forced him to do what he did.
The judge said that he should have simply not have had sex with her. SHE HURT AND CUT HIM! SHE'S WAY OLDER AND BIGGER THAN HIM! HOW WAS HE SUPPOSED TO RESIST? HOW IS IT HIS FAULT?

So the teacher raped a boy, and got off free. Even better for her, the blame fell on the boy.

The boy's family moved out of town and he now attends a different school. The teacher was not fired, mainly because the court ruled in her favour.

My problem

There are so many stuff wrong with this I don't know where to start.

Okay, firstly, there's the problem with rape. It is not okay. No matter which gender does it to which. No matter if the rapist is younger or older than the victim. Rape. Is. Wrong. That's that.

Then there's the part that a -teacher- done it. Nobody knew the reasons why she done it. Was she bored? Lonely? Maybe she was just friggin horny that day? Whatever the reason, no reason is good enough to violate a person like that. Especially if their parents trust you to educate them.

Then there's the judge's ruling. She said that 'he probably enjoyed the attention he received because he was fat'. What does that mean? Fat people are lonely? People who are overweight are attention-seekers? HELL NAW! That just ain't right. She was being hella stereotypical and everyone just let it slide. And who the hell would enjoy being forced to do the deed with their teacher who is older than them by ten years? Ew. That judge is messed up!

Now this is my opinion and probably doesn't count so much, so please don't take any offence to what I say. What if it were a girl who was raped by her older male teacher? I can guarantee you that this story would have ended up with the teacher in prison. Feminists and people likewise will jump to her aid. Everyone will take her side. But it wasn't a girl. It was a guy. And nobody cared.

It's a similar thing with race; white and black. It's a proven fact that darker skinned people serve longer time in prison than lighter skinned people who have committed the same crime. But why? MOST PEOPLE BELIEVE THAT DARKER SKINNED PEOPLE ARE MORE DANGEROUS AND ARE MORE LIKELY TO COMMIT A CRIME? Why? The media, I guess. Nobody is born a racist.

All forms of discrimination, biasness and stereotypes need to stop. This is the first step to a better world.

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