Chapter 1

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"Get up you little shit!"

I woke up to the sound of my caretaker Maria yelling at me. I opened my eyes and groaned. I sat up scratching my head.

"Being a bitch so early in the morning Maria? Now that's not nice" i said smiling innocently at her. 

I suddenly felt a sharp pain against my cheek. The bitch slapped me. I look at her to see her boiling mad as she raised her hand again. I rolled my eyes as I got out of bed and walked over to the closet I shared with two other girls. It was pretty easy to tell who's clothes were who's well at least for me it was. All of my cloths were dark colored while theirs were pink, frilly and slutty like any other "normal" girl. 

"Some guys are coming to adopt a kid so hurry up and get dressed. And try to look a little descent? Maybe they'll adopt you if you dress normally." Said Maria as she left the room.

I sighed and grabbed some clothes. I went to the showers to get dressed when I felt someone shove me. I landed right on my face.

"Son of a bitch!!" I yelled as I got up only to see Anna and her little sluts laughing at me. I rolled my eyes and walked away.

I got to the showers and made sure no one was there before locking the door. I turned on one of the showers and got undressed. I looked in the mirror before I walked underneath the water. Standing before me was a girl with short black hair, sapphire blue eyes, and a bunch of scars along her arms and stomach standing out against her pale skin. I sighed and took a shower.

When I finished with my shower I dried off and put on my clothes. I put on some red and black checkered jean shorts, a black Pierce The Veil muscle top, a black slouch beanie, a black cardigan, and red toms. I put on my bracelets and a black heart necklace. I looked in the mirror and I sighed. These people would never adopt someone as pathetic as me.

I grabbed my iPod touch  and headphones then went downstairs. When I got downstairs all the girls my age were sitting in the main room. I sat at the window and put my headphones on. I closed my eyes and listened to Million Dollar Houses by Pierce The Veil. I don't know how long it was until I felt someone shake my shoulder. I opened my eyes to see Maria glaring at me.

"What do you want?" I said taking off my headphones.

"The people want to meet you." She said and she walked off.

I sighed getting up from the widow seal and walking over to the interview room. When I opened the door I almost stopped breathing. Sitting at the interview table was Pierce The Veil. I shook my head and looked at them. I couldn't say anything so I let out a soft chuckle.

"This is trippy" I said under my breath.

I walked over to the table and sat down. We just sat there and looked at each other. Finally Vic broke the silence.

"So what's your name?" He asked.

"Adrien Rose"

"Hmm... Adrien Rose Fuentes... I like it!" Said Vic and I giggled.

"Yeah. It has a nice ring to it" said Tony smiling at me. I gave him a small smile back.

"Our names are-" Vic started but I cut him off.

"Tony, Mike, Jaime, and Vic" I said pointing at all of them in turn. They all laughed.

"Well I guess it's not necessary to give you an introduction of us." Said Vic and I blushed a little.

"So Adrien what do you like to do?" Asked Mike.

"I like to read, draw, skateboard, and play music."

"What do you play?" Asked Jaime.

"I play the drums, bass, guitar, violin, ukelele, piano, trumpet and...." I paused for a moment. "Oh and the saxophone" I said and the look on their faces was priceless. I started laughing my head off.

"One kid can play all those instruments?" Said Mike shocked. I shrugged at him.

"What can I say? I'm a fast leaner."

"Clearly" said Tony

"I think I just found my new best friend" said Jaime and I giggled.

"So what other bands do you like?" Asked Tony pointing at my shirt.

"Well obviously you guys, black veil brides, AC/DC, Sleeping With Sirens, Bring Me The Horizon, My Chemical Romance, Asking Alexandria, Green Day, Daughtry, All Time Low, Of Mice & Men, Kiss and oh god I can go on for hours about this" I chuckled and so did the guys.

"How old are you?" Asked Vic.

"I'm turning 13  next year in May."

"What day?"

"The 16th"

"How long have you been in this place?" Asked Mike.

"I've been in her almost two years give or take." he looked at Vic and they nodded. I was a bit confused.

"Ok thanks. That's all we need to know" said Vic and he smiled at me.

I got up and left the room. When I closed the door behind me I sighed. They may be my idols but I know they'd never want to adopt me. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. I put my headphones back on and listened to Ritual by Black Veil Brides as I walked back up to my room. When I walked in the room I saw Anna packing up.

"What are you doing Anna? Maria hasn't even told us if they're adopting anyone." I said sitting down on my bed. She scoffed at me.

"Well after meeting me they'd obviously want to adopt me. Unlike you, you little emo freak" she sneered. I rolled my eyes.

"Do you even know who they are?" I asked.

"No but who cares if I know them or not all that matters is that I'll be getting adopted and you won't."

I rolled my eyes then started playing the walking dead on my iPod. Just then Maria came in and she seemed oddly happy and I mean too happy. She looked at me and gave me a giant smile.

"Pack up Adrien you're getting adopted." She giggled and she walked out of the room. It was dead silent before Anna had to go and ruin it.

"WHAT??!!!! The little emo bitch got adopted before me?!" She screeched and stormed out of the room.

I jumped off my bed smiling like an idiot and ran over to the closet to get my clothes. I took a duffle bag from under my bed and threw everything inside. I went over to the dresser and grabbed all my beanies, undies, and bras then dumped them in the duffle as well. I grabbed my charger, iPod, headphones, pencil pouch, notebook and stuffed them in the bag. I picked up my bag and took my skateboard from under my bed and ran downstairs.

When I got to the bottom of the stair case Vic, Tony and Mike were waiting for me. They saw me and gave me big smiles. I smiled back and gave them big hugs. I was so happy that I was about to cry.

"Thank you guys so much" I whispered.

"No problem sweetheart" said Vic.

"Let's go home yeah?" Said Mike.

"Home" I said quietly.

I smiled taking Mike's hand and we walked to the car. We put my duffle bag and skateboard in the trunk and hopped in. Jaime was driving, Mike was in the passenger seat then me, Vic and Tony were in the back. I got the window seat and watched as the orphanage I grew up in as it faded away.

I smiled to myself and leaned on Vic's shoulder. He chuckled and rested his head on mine. I closed my eyes and drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

This was the start of my new life with Pierce The Veil. I can't believe it all started in a hell hole called the San Diego Girl's Orphanage.

My second fanfic! Yay! If you guys liked this then please please please check out my other books, vote, comment, and follow me. Thanks!

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