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*last time on Adopted By A Band*

I had the perfect guy, family and life. Everything that used to be bad about my life is gone.

And just think, all of this happened because I was adopted by a band.

~Seven years later~


I heard footsteps running up the stairs then suddenly Bryce came bursting through the door in a panicked state. He was panting as he walked up to me and took my hands in his.

"What is it? What's wrong baby?" He asked frantically. I looked at him for a second before I burst out laughing.

"I was just going to ask you if you've seen my red lace wedges. You didn't need to come running up here you dork" I laughed.

He pouted and crossed his arms stomping over to his side of the bed where pulled them out from under the bed and threw them in my suitcase then sat on the bed. I sighed and gave a small smile seeing this 23 years old man throw a mini tantrum at me. I sat next to him on the bed and grabbed his hand rubbing little circles on the back of it.

"Aww baby don't be mad. I just thought it was a little funny that you freaked out." I said in a soft voice.

"Yeah well I didn't. I still think about what happened last time I let you out of my sight" he said looking away. I sighed and placed my head on his shoulders.

"Babe, you have to let that go" I said.

"But I can't! I don't like thinking that if I were with you maybe you wouldn't have gotten shot...." he mumbled that last bit. I started getting annoyed so I grabbed his face and turned his view towards me.

"Bryson David Kowalski, look at me right here right now, Ricardo is dead and all his goons are in jail or dead. Nothing bad is going to happen. Yeah he shot me but that was seven years ago. You need to let this go, don't do it for yourself, do it for me. I love you and I hate to see you like this when I'm right here in front of you" tears were running down my cheeks as I recalled everything that happened seven years ago.

"I'm sorry baby. You're right" he grabbed me and pulled my close to him. We stayed like that until my dad came into the room.

"Alright love birds, are you guys done packing?" He said leaning in the doorway.

"Yeah. We'll be right down Vic." Said Bryce.

"Ok. But don't start fooling around. And Bryce, she's still my daughter and I'm going to smack you if you touch her like that." He raised a finger at Bryce then left. Me and Bryce looked at each other and shared a smirk.

"Maybe I shouldn't tell him about when we first did it while they were on tour last year." He smirked.

"Or about how we do it when they leave the house on weekends" I giggled.

"Ooooooh! Y'all gonna be in trouble!" We looked up to the door and found Jaime standing there.

"I'll give you three packet of sour skittles and five bags of Takis." I rushed out.

"I'll buy you hot cheetos and a six pack of monsters" Bryce said.

Jaime hummed in satisfaction, nodded, then left. Me and Bryce sighed but we sighed too soon because we heard Vic scream and yell in Spanish. Me and Bryce looked at each other with worried looks.

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