Chapter 12

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*last time on Adopted By A Band*

"Dig in squirt, today you perform with us." And then took a big bite out of his pancake.

Oh yeah that's right. Today I go on stage with Pierce The Veil. What could possibly go wrong?

After I finished breakfast I went back to my bunk so I can get my clothes. The guys were still eating so I got the bathroom to myself for a bit. (Outfit in media)I put on a black Jack Daniels whiskey tank top with red bleach destroyed ripped shorts and black and red lace sneaker wedges. I put on a bunch of my brackets including he new one that Vic gave me the day before we left. A knuckle brace necklace hung from my neck when I decided that I looked good. I quickly put a thin line of eyeliner and my favorite liquid lip from Jeffree Stars cosmetics, Unicorn Blood.

I nodded at myself in the mirror and walked out of the bathroom. I walked down the to the front lounge where everyone was. I saw Justin and Nick sitting on the couch so I dived and landed in their laps. Justin grabbed me and pulled me into his lap tickling in me. Nick joined in until I begged them to stop before I peed. When they finally stopped I was sitting in Justin's lap talking with him and nick.

"So blu, what was your life like before Vic and the guys adopted you?" Asked Justin

"It was shitty. I was bullied and the caretaker was a bitch" I spat.

"Wow. Was it really that bad?"

"Yeah the day Vic adopted me-"

"Ari?" Nick interrupted.

I turned my attention to him and noticed that he was looking down. I followed his gaze right down to my arm. Although I was wearing all of my bracelets it wasn't enough to hide all of my scars. Starting in the crook of my elbow stopping about an inch before my armpit was a scar that I had gotten in a fight from a job I was on back when I was an assassin.

Nick took my arm and examined the scar. I was going to tell him that I don't remember what happened and how I got it but no. He called for Vic and not two seconds later he, Kellin, Mike, Tony, Gabe, and Jaime were all running into the lounge. Nick brought my arm into view and they all gasped. Vic crouched in front of me and looked over my arm.

"When did this happen?" He asked.

"I've had it every since I woke up from my comma. I don't remember how I got it or when I got it. I didn't think it was important so I never said anything and you guess never saw or asked so I kept quiet." I lied. He looked at me and pulled me up.

"Go put on a flannel. I don't want anyone saying anything about you ok?" He said and I nodded. I walked off and put on a flannel.

At around eleven we head to the stage for a sound test. Luckily there wasn't very many people waiting there and if they were they weren't listening. They were too busy doing other stuff to notice me and the guys practicing. We finished at around twelve which was around the time more people were coming. At twelve thirty they called the guys out to stage. They ran out and the crowd went wild. They took there places and once the crowd settled Vic spoke into the microphone.

"Hey guys how you doing?"

They cheered. He laughed.

"Ok well as many of you guys already know I adopted a twelve year old girl a few weeks ago. She has short black hair and these amazing blue eyes. She is my entire world." He said grinning. The crowd awwed.

"Today I have a special surprise for you all. You guys get to meet my little girl. Come on out Rose bud" he looked to me as I started walking out from the side.

When I was in view all the fans started cheering. I blushed as I made my way over to Vic. I took the mic from the shorter stand that was set up for me. I took a deep breath as I looked out on to what seemed like an endless sea of fans. I looked up at Vic who gave me a big smile and nodded. I look back to the crowd and smiled.

"Hey guys. My name in Adrien Rose and I'm going to preform for you guys today"

The crowd went ballistic after I finished speaking. I put the mic back on the stand and smiled as a stage guy brought out a stool for me along with my ukelele. I thanked him, sat on the stool and started to play.
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The crowd went wild after we finished playing.

"Everyone give it up for Adrien!" Vic said into the mic.

I blushed as I waved the all the cheering fans in front of me. Vic gave me a hug and kiss on the head then told me to go get my guitar so I can switch places with Tony. I looked over to Tony and nodded. He got off stage and unplugged his guitar cord. One of the stage guys already had my guitar ready for me. I gave him my ukelele and took my guitar plugging it in to the amp.

I nodded to Vic and he looked back over the crowd. When he crowd saw this they all started murmuring in confusion. Vic looked back at me and we chuckled. I could even hear mike chuckling behind me and Tony at the side.

"Oh you guys thought she was just doing that one song?"Vic asked the crowd. "Well surprise! She's going to be playing one day at each state while on tour with us."

The crowd cheered as Vic nodded to me telling me to start playing. I started playing Circles and for he umpteenth time the crowd went wild. We played Phantom Power and Ludicrous Speed, Bulls In The Bronxs, Stay Away From My Friends, Divine Zero, and last but not least Texas Is Forever. Tony took over for that one so I can go crowd surfing and join the mosh pit that was started. When they finished the security guards helped me back up stage where Jaime tackled me and praised me for being the greatest niece that he will ever have.

After walking around and meeting Memphis Mayfire, All Time Low, and Black Veil Brides we all went back to the tour bus where we pigged out for about an hour before SWS and all the other bands started showing up to throw a party. While the guys were getting drunk things started to get a little crazy so I went outside for a little fresh air.

I stepped outside and was met by a rush of cold air. I hugged myself and walked a little ways away from the bus. I looked up at the night sky seeing the stars feeling at peace until a heard footsteps. Freaking out in my mind I looked around but since it was dark I couldn't really see anything. Then all of a sudden a figure appeared from behind one of the buses. They approached me as I stayed frozen in place from fear. As the figure stepped from the shadows I knew instantly who they were.

"Ricardo Valdez" I growled. He smirked and snickered at hearing his name.

"My little Adrianna Rosa! How I've longed to see you again my beautiful rose. And my how even more beautiful you've gotten. Now that you've grown into such a beautiful woman maybe now we can enjoy a little more extra fun?" He said as he unbuttoned his shirt a little. I nearly threw up at this gesture.

"There's no way I'm gonna be become your sex slave again Ricardo" I spat.

I turned around to leave but I was stoped by a hand covering my mouth with a cloth. I tried to scream for help but it was no use. Darkness was consuming me as my mind began to shut down. I closed my eyes and fell back.

"We'll just see about that mi chiquita rosa." Was the last thing I heard.

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