Chapter 5

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*last time on Adopted By A Band*

"We're playing a prank on ALL of them" she smiled mischievously.

"Oh you're definitely my daughter." I grinned.

With that we went and grabbed everything we need for the pranks. God this kid was going to fit right in.

~Vic's P.O.V~

After we had gotten all the stuff together and Adrien had checked to make sure all of them were asleep we started to lay out our pranks. For Jaime, Adrien tied him up hog style and gaged him. We drew on his face and I cut up his shirt. Adrien took the scissors from and cut two holes in his pants right over his butt. Once we finished with that we tossed him in his closet and threw a blanket over him.

Next for Tony, with the eye liner I found in my girlfriend's stuff Adrien put it on him and winged it. She also covered his lips with it. Then we covered him in shaving cream but left his face alone since Adrien said she didn't want to ruin her master piece. Then Adrien took the super glue and glued a fake mustache to his face. Honestly, that was my favorite part about this.

Finally for Mike we did something a bit more simple. Also we ran out of resources so we didn't have much to work with. We decided to just put the headphones on him and hook it up to Adrien's iPod. We were going to play Back In Black by AC/DC on full volume. Then we opened some sliced cheese so that we could throw it at his face.

"Ok let's do this" I was about was about to push play when Adrien stopped me.

"Wait let me do something really quick." She said.

She grabbed a black marker and went over to Mike. She uncapped the marker and started to draw on his face. She then lifted his chin and wrote something. She stepped back and looked him over she nodded approvingly. She grabbed her cheese and I looked over to Mike. I nearly bursted out laughing see what she wrote on him.

"Ok now you can push play" she said. I nodded and pushed play.

Mike shot up from bed and we threw the cheese at his face. Me and Adrien fell to the floor laughing at the fact that the cheese was still stuck to his face. It took him a second to process everything before he peeled the cheese from his face and took off the headphones.

"VIC!!! ADRIEN!!!" He yelled. Me and Adrien just laughed even harder.

"It's your fault. You didn't want to get up." Laughed Adrien.

Mike just groaned and walked to the bathroom. Adrien quickly shut up and ran out of the room. I followed after her and we ran to Tony's room. He was just starting to wake up. As he sat up and scratched his head he felt the shaving cream and ran to the bathroom.

"ADRIEN!!!" Yelled Mike.

"AHHHH!!!" Screamed Tony.

"Should we run?" Asked Adrien.

I nodded and we ran downstairs. We ran into the living room and jumped on the couch. We turned on the TV and tried to act like nothing happened. Moments later Mike and Tony ran downstairs. The found us in the living room and stood in front of us.  Mike still had 'Dick head' written on his forehead along with the dicks that Adrien had drawn on both his cheeks. Tony had wiped off most of the shaving cream but still had a bunch on him. He got the eyeliner off his lips but not on his eyes and he still had the mustache on him.

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